Chapter(19) Home

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Recap: Sam's POV:

"You know that I can't say no you" She smiles at me and when I finally look around the room, I see the couple from downstairs sitting on a couple chairs that some of the girls like to sit in. Mrs. Rose looks at me with her pleading eyes for me to be nice. I nod and she leaves after giving me a wide smile and shutting the door.

"Hi Sam, I'm Toby" one of the men introduce themselves as. This might be interesting, I kind of like them.


It's been about an hour since Toby and James came over. I think we really hit it off, we talked for a long time and they didn't mention my chest or my past which was an exciting change of pace. Now I'm still upstairs while Toby and James are downstairs talking with Mrs. Rose about which kid they're going to adopt, if they're even going to adopt from this orphanage.

I've read that some couples will go to about 7 different orphanages before they find the right kid they want to adopt.

Mrs. Rose calls my name from the bottom of the stairs and I come down as quick as humanly possible, because I know better than to keep her waiting. She's a very impatient person so keeping her waiting grates on her nerves. And even though she's a nice person that doesn't mean that she always a nice person. She's got a temper.

I stand at the bottom step and Mrs. Rose motions for me to come into her office with her hand. This is either a good thing or a really bad thing. Nevertheless I follow her hand and I follow her into her office. She holds the door open for me and then once I'm in her office she leaves and shuts the door behind her.

What the hell is that old bat doing? I look around the room and see Toby and James sitting there looking at me, they pat a seat sitting across from the both of them and I sit in it avoiding their eyes because eye contact is scary.

"Hey Sam, we wanted to talk about adopting you, is that okay? You can totally say no if you want to" James says to me. While we were talking, he was always the upfront one, always asking the most questions, or comments and stuff. I think about what he said though, I haven't been out of the orphanage to a new house in a long time. What if they hurt me though? Or decide that they don't want me anymore?

Apparently though my brain knew what it wanted before I did and blurted out a "Yes!!"  Their eyes lit up the moment that I said that word. They smile all bright and then Mrs. Rose comes back into the office holding papers, and a beige binder that I immediately recognized as my folder. It's what the orphanage has to give to all foster or adoption parents. They look at the binder in confusion and Mrs. Rose picks up on it and starts to explain.

"Sam over here has a long history with many different things so a folder wouldn't work due to all the papers and such that were needed for previous events in her life"   Toby and James look at each other then back at me, then to Mrs. Rose.

"What she means by 'long history' is the three times I went juvie, the court dates and all that. Along with all the times I was fostered and returned along with hospital stays for various reasons" I explain to their confused looking faces.

James snaps his head over to look at me so fast that I thought that he was going to give himself whiplash.  "You were in juvie? For what?"  He asks sounding surprised that I had gone down 'that path' as some people call it. I didn't really have a choice, it was either drug running, or I didn't eat, and then I'd die, and I didn't want that to happen because on my tombstone it would read my old name, which is Sophie.

"I have only been in juvie three times and all were either for street fighting I only got caught once! Or drug running which I did a lot but got caught only twice! Then I had a couple warnings with the police, once for possession of drugs and taking them like three different times, it's happened more than that but that's all they caught me for," I  say to them in a whispering tone.

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