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You feel like home.


I'm moving to New York City in a week. Honestly, I'm surprised I'm not more nervous. I'm moving to one of the biggest cities in the world by myself. I don't know a single person there. The only person I know if my new boss, but we have only emailed each other. It's scary moving half way across the country without having someone there with me, but I'm ready. I'm excited for this new chapter in my life. It's time to leave. Let my brother and his new wife have their own space away from me. I'm packing up the few boxes and things I have left. I have shipped some stuff there already and it will arrive the day I get there.

Harry and I have been texting and calling each other quite a lot lately. It's been really nice having him to talk to again. There has been so much in those three years that we have talked about. He has told me about London and his friends. I've told him the little amount of things I did. It's been so nice having someone to talk to.

I've finished packing up my stuff and set it against the wall by my bedroom door.

"Hey." I look and see Alice standing in my door way.

"Hey." I stand up straight and let out a breath and rest my hands on my hips.

"All ready to go?" She asks walking in.

"Yeah." I sigh and sit on my bed. She sits down next to me.

"It's going to be weird not having you here." She admits.

"It's gonna be weird for me too." I lay my head on her shoulder.

"I'm proud of you and so is your brother. We can't wait to visit you in the city." She tells me.

"I just wish I had someone going with me." I mumble.

"You'll be okay. You will make friends and eventually find someone." She bumps my shoulder with hers. I laugh.

"I guess we'll have to wait and find out." I say.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to do a girls night cause Frankie told me he is working late tonight." She tells me.

"That sounds amazing." I exclaim.

"Great. Change into some pjs and I'll order some pizza and you pick out the movies." She stands up and spins around before leaving my room. I laugh and change.

I head out to the living room. I grab blankets and pillows and set up the couch for us. I go over to the DVD rack and choose a few of our favorite romance movies and put one in the player. I sit down and wait for Alice.

My phone buzzes and I open the message. It's from Harry. A smile creeps on my face. He asked me what I am up to tonight. I text back telling him about the girls night.

"Who is he?" Alice sits down next to me with a smirk.

"What? Who?" I ask her locking my phone.

"The guy that is making you smile so much." She says raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure honestly." I sigh and wrap a blanket around me.

"Well, he seems special. I don't think I've ever seen you like this." She admits.

"Yeah." I smile softly. "He is pretty important."

"As long as he treats you right and respects you and listens to you, He has my approval." She smiles at me.

"But seriously, what's his name?" She rests back against the couch.

"You can't Frankie. At least not yet." I tell her seriously.

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