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My heart wishes on you.


Today is the most special day of them all.

On this day, 24 years ago, my best friend and love of my life was born.

I remember growing up and how Harry always had the best parties.


"Woah, this place is awesome!" Frankie yells taking off his shoes.

"I know right. My parents rented the whole place out. It's ours for the whole day." Harry stands tall with a huge sign above his head that reads, Happy 10th Birthday Harry!

Elsie looks around watching all of the kids running and screaming. It's too loud in here. Elsie takes the present she got for Harry and sets it on the table with the rest. She turns back and sighs. She takes a seat at one of the tables and rests her head on her hand.

Elsie has never had this many people at one of her parties before.

Harry jumps off of one of the bounce areas and walks over to the table that the food and drinks are set up on. He picks up a water and chugs it down before his eyes land on Elsie sitting by herself.

He shakes his head, walking over to her.

"Why don't you come jump with us?" Harry asks sitting down next to Elsie.

"There's too many people here. You always have so many people at your parties." Elsie tells him.

"My mom makes me invite my whole class and pass out invitations to as many kids as possible. I defiantly don't know all of these people." Harry admits. Elsie stays quiet, just watching the other kids play.

"How about you and I go jump over there." He points to the one bounce house in the corner that no one is jumping on. Elsie turns her head to look at it before looking back at Harry.

"For me?" Harry begs her with that all too charming smile. Elsie can't help but smile herself before they both stand up and race to the corner.


Isn't this a little much? Elsie thinks to herself, staring up at the hotel she just arrived at with Frankie.

There's a bunch of other cars with other teenagers from their school here as well.

All for the one and only, Harry Styles, sweet sixteenth birthday.

His mom and dad booked a hotel for those invited to stay in for the night.

Again, another one of his parties that she hates going to but push through it for him. Always for him.

Elsie prefer the get together that his family and my family have for everyone's birthday. It doesn't require her to socialize with the people that she tries her hardest to avoid everyday at school.

Frankie grabs his bag while Elsie does the same, walking into the hotel lobby.

Elsie looks around and scrunches her eyebrows from the loudness overflowing the room. Her eyes land on Harry, who is leaning against the reception counter in the middle of the lobby.

"Hey! My favorite people!" Harry exclaims, standing up straight to face them.

"This is so sick, H. Happy Birthday." Frankie and Harry do their bro shake or whatever that is.

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