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I want you to be happy. I just wish it was with me.


I'm stumbling down the sidewalks of New York with my arms full of grocery bags and the flowers I received this morning from Harry. The gesture of his is so sweet and made my day. I decide to send him a little post card I picked up when I saw it in the store.

I get to my apartment and set the bags down at my feet while I unlock the door. I push the door open and reach down to grab the bags when the one with apples and oranges breaks and they start rolling down the steps. I sigh and roll my eyes before throwing the other bags and my purse inside. I start grabbing the fruit and holding them in my arms. I pick up the last one that some how rolled all the way across the sidewalk and almost into the street. I turn to walk back when someone bumps into me and the fruit fly out of my arms and to the ground. Again.

"Oh, come on!" I huff to myself.

"Sorry about that." I hear a quiet voice say. I ignore it and pick up the fruit. I'm about to pick up the last one when a hand grabs it before me. I stand up straight and look at the person who helped me.

"Thanks." I smile at him.

"It was my fault. Glad to help." He smiles back and hands me the apple.

"Need anymore help?" He gestures to all the fruit in my hand.

"I'm okay." I tell the stranger.

"I'm Shawn." He holds his hand out. I awkwardly look down at it and back at him. He laughs and moves his hand back to his side.

"I should put these away." I say and walk over to my front steps and walk up a few.

"Wait," he walks over to me. "Do I get to know your name?" He asks.

"I'm sorry but I don't give my name out to strangers." I tell him.

"How about we grab coffee and get to know each other and then you tell me?" He suggests.

"Sorry. I'm just really busy right now." I say trying to make him go away in a kind way.

"Well, I hope we meet again sometime. Have a good night." He smiles and walks away. I sigh and walk inside my apartment and put everything away before another goes wrong.

I take a shower and change into some pjs and fix myself dinner. I set the flowers on my bedside table, so I can look at them when I wake up every morning.

I write a little note on the post card and set it on my table, so I won't forget it in the morning. I text Harry a thank you for the flowers and a few minutes later he starts calling me. I smile before answering his call.

"Hello angel. How are you?" His deep voice pushes away my stress of that day.

"I'm okay. My day was busy and stressful. Your flowers made it better though. Thank you again." I tell him.

"You're very welcome. I have some news." He informs me.

"Tell me everything." I sit up against my couch.

"My boss liked one of the studios I looked at in New York, but also one in LA."

"So, what does that mean?" I ask him.

"Well, I get to choose which one I'd like to move to." He tells me.

"Harry, that's incredible! I'm so happy for you." I exclaim.

"Thank you. I just don't know what to choose." He sighs.

"Where could you see yourself living?" I question him.

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