Giving up

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Marinette lifted herself up onto the ledge as she stared down at the world below her. Birds flying every which way, cars stuck in traffic, couples chatting about their day. It was almost eight. The sun began to fall past the horizon, painting the sky red and gold. She watched as lights flickered on all over the city as the dark started fading into land she once adored.

Below her people were leaving work and enjoying their evenings. Not far away she could faintly hear a young man singing along to Jagged stone on the radio. Marinette thought back to a time when she would have started dancing along. But she push the thought away as she saw a business flagged down a taxi as a cute elderly couple laughed while they walked across the street.

It was truely amazing to see. She used to love paris. She loved everything about it, but all that was gone now. The land she once loved was now a reminder to everything she lost.

She took a step foward...

As she peered over the edge she was nothing but calm. If she did this no one would care. Not her parents, nor bestfriend, not even Ladyluck. Not one single soul in all of paris would miss her. After all no one noticed her up here to begin with.

She took a another step foward...

She was about to end everything and nobody even looked up to see her. It was her alone in this world and now it was time to end it all.


No one cared for her.


No one saw her.


No one will miss her.


As Marinette was about to Jump, the door to the roof burst open. In the doorway stood the last person she wanted to see, Adrien Agreste.

"Don't do it Marinette!!!" He yelled out over the city noise. Her eyes snapped to his direction, a mix of surprise and anger blended on her pale face. "You have so much to live for!!!"

Instead of giving him the satisfaction of a response she turned her gaze back to the skyline. "Please come down!" She gritted her teeth together in efforts to keep her composure.

She stepped forward again...

As did Adrien. Marinette was fully aware that he was coming closer, but she couldn't care less. He could make no efforts to stop her, she wasn't going to change her mind. "What about your family?" Adrien asked as he approached again. "What about your friends? Do you really think they'd want you to do this?"

Marinette snapped her head back at him. "DONT PRETEND YOU CARE!!" Adrien stepped back in suprise. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!! I'M DOING THIS BECAUSE OF YOU!!" Marinette hissed at him. "I HATE YOU ADRIEN AGRESTE!!"

She turned back away from him before muttering to herself. "You can't save me this time Adrien, so stop trying..." with that Marinette stepped off the building and began to plummet towards the earth.

She squeezed her eyes shut and braced for impact. It seemed like she was falling for years. Just when Marinette thought she might never stop a pair of leather covered arms wrapped around her waist and the two crashed hard against the cement.

Marinette softly fluttered her eyes open one last time and were met with the eyes of black cat in the distance before darkness consumed her.

As she began to drift away she could barely make out four measly words.

"...Stay with me princess..."

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now