Bloody Bandages

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Chat sat at the bar, a stained shard of glass sitting on the counter in front of him. Thoughts flew through his head rapidly. Why would she still be doing this? Doesn't she see that her life is precious? How could his princess hurt herself like this? He would do anything to protect Marinette so thing were gonna have to change.

"Ah my Knight is still awake!" Marinette said as she walked out of her room into the kitchen.

"You seem in a good mood..." Chat stated to the girl. Marinette opened one of her cabinets and pulled out a glass. She filled it with water and took a sip. "Princess we need to talk."

She looked over at him confused. "What is-" Marinette froze as she looked down at what was in his leather covered hands. Fear corsed through her veins rapidly. No. This can't be happening. She felt her hands shaking but tried to act calm. Maybe she could convise him it was nothing. "W-What do you got there?" She tried to say calmly but her voice betrayed her.

"A broken shard of glass." Chat struggled to collect himself, he mustn't act rashly. "I found it hidden in your laundry, is there something you'd like to tell me?"

Marinette cursed herself for not hiding it better. "It's not what you thi-"

"Pull up your sleeves." Chat demanded flatly. He wasn't in the mood for games and he had to tread real lightly to not lose his cool.

"Chat please it's-"

The black cat reached over the counter and in one quick swoop, her sleeves were cut to reveal the inside of her arms. Dried cuts and bruises ran apron her porcelain wrists. Her beautiful skin has been defiled, this was unacceptable.

"What the hell have you done?!" Chat asked in a thundering voice.

Marinette coward in fear as tears filled her eyes. "Chat Noir I-"

"I ask you one thing..." Chat Noir whispered . "Not hurt yourself, live your beautiful life... and this is WHAT YOU DO!!!!" Chat Noir slammed his hands on the counter, causing Marinette to jump in fear.

Tears fled down her cheeks in impeccable speeds."I'm sorry...." Marinette said on the verge of breaking. She fled into the hall and into the bathroom, Chat Noir following behind.
Marinette slammed the door, sliding down the back as tears engulfed her face. Her sapphire bangs covered her face. She fell on her side onto the tiled bathroom floor.

"Princess! Please just listen to me!" Chat's soft voice echoed through the door. Marinette sobbed. "Please let me in! Don't lock me out again!!"

Marinette felt herself lose control of her emotions.

Chat Noir sighed. He slid down the bathroom door. He couldn't stand this anymore Marinette was so precious to him and now she was in pain and he never knew.

He thought Marinette was getting better, it's been three weeks since she jumped off the roof of the school. He was so stupid, she didn't seem like she was hurting... Chat grabbed his blonde locks of hair. "Marinette please listen I care about you, and just want to to be safe..." He whispered.

" He whispered

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