Stone heart

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LadyLuck sat high upon the roof of some apartment building. She took in the indescribable sent of the cold, yet welcoming, winter air. It was not your average snowy Paris night. Instead of the streets lined with fluffy white piles of snow and the sky covered in icy clouds, the grass through the city was only stained with dew and only cold, chilly sky of stars layed above the French world.

She watched as the city lights flicked itself to rest under the light of the moon as the city began to sleep. And as LadyLuck felt a small chill run down her spine, she saw the shadow of a person on the sidewalk out of the corner of her eye.

LadyLuck spun her head around and eyed the person as the walked, or rather danced down the street. They were wearing headphones and twirling away to what ever song in their ears. They were wearing a blue hoodie with a Francis beat logo on the back and was acting like a total dork.

Almost instantly she knew who this insufferable idiot was. Nino Laffie. LadyLuck rolled her eyes as Nino strolled down the street. Glancing at her yo-yo, she noted that the time was passed 9. Then curiosity filled her, Where is he going this late at night? Too much wonder filled her mind and she groaned out loud. "Now I have to know..."

LadyLuck trailed behind the teenager from the buildings behind until he stopped in front of a small bakery. A small woman came out and ushered him inside. In the window LL could see as Nino sat down at a table with two other adults, Marinette's parents. "-I just don't know what to do Mrs. D, She won't answer any of my messages..." LadyLuck could faintly hear from the open window.

"Nino, it'll be okay." Tom tried to reassure the boy but it was easy to tell he himself was faltering. "Marinette is stong, and as long as we stay by her she'll live to see another day..."

Sabine put a hand on his hoodie covered shoulder. "How-" she stopped as if she was trying to force the words out. "How did the class take it?"

Nino sighed a long, disapointed, sigh. "Not well, Alya made a big scene about it..."

"Well son, I hope things can only get better than this." Tom said genitally.

"My name is Tikki! and I'm your new Kwamii!" The flying creature said

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"My name is Tikki! and I'm your new Kwamii!" The flying creature said. "I grant you the power of creation and all you have to say is-"

"Tikki, Spots on!" Magical butterflies flew over the girl's body, transforming her clothes into a suit. She was dressed in red and black and a yo-yo hung around her side. "Woah! This is..." She let out a squeal to herself. "Imma... Imma... SUPERHERO!!!!!!"

There was a loud bang on the door, startling her straight out of her skin. "Keep it down in there!!"

"Sorry Mama!" She apologized quickly. Then a simple thought a cured to her. "Wait... I'm going to save Paris!?!?!" Panic flew over her. "From what?..."

As if on Que, screams erupted from outside. "Oh no! No! NO! NO! I don't know if I can do this... I'm not good enough to save Paris-" suddenly a little voice sounded off in her head. Just do it already! Then as if she didn't have control over her own body, she jumped out the window.

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now