Classroom Havoc & Jumping Cats

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Adrien starred out the window of his car. He watched as the early morning world blurred passed. He and Nino were currently going to school, which they both hated.

The two boys had spent the entire weekend at the hospital with Marinette, but now it was Monday and her parents "insisted" they go to school. But they both thought it was too forceful for the term. So here Adrien was, giving a ride to Nino, to see the same people that pushed Marinette to- Adrien decided it was better if he forced away the thought instead of dwelling on it.

 So here Adrien was, giving a ride to Nino, to see the same people that pushed Marinette to- Adrien decided it was better if he forced away the thought instead of dwelling on it

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Chat Noir leaped from roof to roof, propelling himself foward with his baton. The sweet smell of a autumn night filled his feline nose and gave him shivers of excitement. It was his turn to patrol the streets of paris, since Ladyluck had done it the night before.

Chat truely adored his job. Protecting the citizens from any threat that may come to harm them. As if on cue, a scream had sounded in the distance. When chat finally got there he had time to catch the robber and make a witty pun. He didn't quite remember it, but he recalled it having something to do with hairballs. Chat having saved the day without Ladyluck, again, decided best to call it a night.

As he was about to leap foward using his batan, a young girl got his attention. He sat and starred for a moment as she moved foward. As the girl trudged on, suddenly she jolted foward before falling into a puddle of water.

Chat landed quickly on the ground behind her and as he approached, the soft sound of sobs filled his feline ears. "Excuse me miss, are you alright?"

Suddenly she tensed up, clearly startled by the voice behind her. "Yeah, I just-" she stopped when she realized she was starring back at one of Paris's great defender. "-broke my heel"

Chat knew there was more to the story than a broken heel, but he felt it was best not to ask directly. Instead he knelt down to her level. "Well then, are you hurt?" By now Chat knew she was familiar but couldn't put a claw on where from.

Chat took note of her red puffy eyes. "Well my ankle hurts..." Suddenly, out of habit, scooped up her foot onto his lap to examine it. It suprised them both, but neither commented on it.

"Looks like a sprang." He paused to look up at her wet clothing and tear stained face and felt... sympathy. "I can take you home if you'd like."

She pursued her lips together. "It's okay I can manage."

"But a lovely Purrincess shouldn't have to walk on a such a tragic injury!" She looked taken aback by his comment.

"If I'm a princess then why'd Kim stand me up!" She muttered and as soon as she uttered those words, she clasped her hand over her mouth. Then it clicked, this was Marinette, in his class. He knew she was going out with Kim tonight but he never really talked to her before.

"Then he's not your prince..." chat paused for a moment to see her still upset exspression. "...but I'll be your Knight!" Suddenly Marinette took his hand and stood up. In a swift motion Chat Noir, brought her into his arms. "Hold on Princess." Chat said just before leaping into the quiet paris night.

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now