When Fates Collide

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Marinette felt the world stop. His warm soft hands pressed against her puffy cheeks as tears slid down to drip from her quivering chin. It was if everything slowed down to a complete stop and suddenly all the things Marinette knew changed.

"Hi Princess..." That's what he said. That's what he had the audacity to say, two simple words, that to any other person, would mean nothing but to her...

Her heart was aching more than ever. It was if all the numerous emotions she had suddenly woke up. She was happy, the two people that held her heart were one in the same. She was upset because Adrien lied to her. He knew she had problems with him but he still pushed himself into her life, invaded her space by never leaving her alone. She was angry that she let into her heart and he defiled it by kissing her and leaving her as if she meant nothing to him. She was conflicted...

And in one moment, Marinette felt the pendulum swing and made up her mind.

Adrien's stood in shock after Marinette drew her hand into the air and smacked him across the face. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" She snapped.

Adrien wasn't sure how he thought she would react, but when she hit him, it set off a new emotion in him and he wasn't sure whether it was negative or not. "Wha-?"

Marinette growled aloud out of anger. She glared at the blonde boy intensely and crossed her arms with fury. "Don't give me that crap!! You know why I'm upset!! I trusted you and you dragged me through the mud you- you- filthy TomCat!!"

Adrien had never seen Marinette this mad before, it was... So... Cute. "I know alright!! You hate me and then I thought if you never found out that Chat was Adrien, then I'd get to stay by your side even for a little bit-"

Marinette started laughing before looking at him even more mad than before. "You really are dense aren't you?! I don't care that Chat Noir is Adrien Agreste, I love it actually..." Marinette pushed Adrien back so his back was against the ally wall, her finger pointed in his surprised face. "I'm upset because you are a jerk that kissed me!!"

Ooooooohhhhh... That's what this was about. Adrien couldn't help but smile, she was adorable, her eyes held rage and face was flushed with anger.

"You are an idiot you know right?!" She huffed. "What kind of asshole kisses a girl, gets her hopes up and then straight up is like, well I'm bad for you so I'mma move out!!"

Then an even more dumb idea passed through his head, yep his alter ego was definitely rubbing off on him. Adrien smiled cutely, at least he thought so. "I didn't kiss you, Chat Noir did."

Marinette looked dumbfounded for a moment and Adrien swore he could see the gears turning in her head. "No, I know what I did was wrong but I only seem to make things worse for you. You are in so much pain and all I've ever wanted to do was make you feel better. At first it was little things like leaving notes in your locker but then you met Chat..." Adrien shuffled his hands through his hair as he sighed. "...and for the first time I was able to talk to you and make you smile. I finally had a friend but that was only with Chat. Then the pictures got out and you lashed out at both sides, and when I found you on the roof I-" his voice cracked. "I ruined your life, all I've ever done is make things worse. I understand why your mad, you deserve better..."

Marinette grabbed the collar of his shirt and pushed herself into his face. "Stop that non,sense the only person I want is you!" She stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him before backing away. "I need to think..." She began to walk away but not without shouting back, "Now it's my turn to kiss a helpless person and leave them wanting more..."

Oh camembert, how he loved this girl...

"Wow! She's right you know. You are a dirty scumbag."

"Shut it Plagg!!"

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now