Markers and the Opera?

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Hey so I know I said Marinette would go to school and Nino would get in a fight but I forgot I needed to add a few more chapters in first!!

Warning! Possible Triggers in this chapter!!!
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Nino waited patiently to cross the street. He honestly didn't want to go to school today. He was going to have to deal with everyone's shit again.

He's tried to look on the bright side ever since what happened with Marinette but it hasn't been very easy. After all his best friend tried to- Nope happy thoughts. He scanned the crowd of people in front of the school. He could name all the groups or 'cliques' as they called them.

There were the Art geeks, Marc and Nathaniel and a few others. They often were found chilling in the art room on their breaks. To be honest most of them were cool. Marinette would sometime hang out with them before... He wasn't sure but Nino heard that Juleka's brother hung out with them, but he hasn't gone out of the way to meet them.

There was also the nerds, Max. Only Max. There was also a robot that max created but that was pretty much it. They were standing by the stairs quizzing each other on next months homework. Like seriously?

Nino spotted the Jocks, aka Alix, Kim, ect. kicking a football (European) back and forth to each other. He tried to hang with them once but it involved skydiving, and he wanted to live so it didn't work out.

He moved his attention to the few loners. They weren't apart of any group at all and mostly just stayed to themselves. Juleka, Ivan and dou- now that he thought about it Adrien was nowhere to be seen. He was always disappearing randomly and it was
...wierd... but he didn't dwell on it.

Then, there was the rulers of them all. Rose, Lila, and the devil's bitchy ex herself, Alya Césaire. The girl lived to see others suffer and ever since she transferred here she concurred this school. And of course the queen had her second hands, Lila and Rose were her back up. Rose would befriend people and stab them in the back and Lila beat the living daylights out of anyone who looked at her wrong. All three were cold blooded, and HOT!! But who in their right mind would date such monsters?

After surveying the crowd of joy eaters, Nino spotted Chloe and Mylene pulling weeds around the trees. He approached the two in Hope's of talking to the blonde. "Hey Chloe! How are you?"

Instead of a response he was tackled in a hug. His body tensed. Chloe was so close he could smell the scent of flowers on her. "How's Marinette doing?" She asked as she pulled away from him.

Marinette. Marinette. His friend who jumped off a building, Marinette. The friend that never went to him about how she was feeling, Marinette. The girl he loved who tried to kill herself... that Marinette... "she's uh-"

Tears began to well up in his eyes. And in that moment, Nino shut down. "We just need to smile, and show her we care and I'm sure she'll feel better soon!" Mylene beamed at us.

"...Yeah smile..." Nino repeated to himself shakily. When was the last time he saw her smile? Or heard her laugh? Or... saw that twinkle in her eyes? He couldn't remember...

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