A Wilting Rose

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Rose stared at Juleka. As hard as the break up was, she found herself regretting her mistakes. Plainly, Rose missed her. They were perfect together and everyone knew it but when Juleka called things off, Rose had to accept it. Sure she didn't want to, but she couldn't force their relationship to continue, even if she wanted to...

"Don't tell me you still have a thing for Smelleka?" Lila asked as she noticed Rose's longing expression. Rose pushed her head off her fist and snapped to look at her friend.

"Chill Li. They only broke up two weeks ago!" Alya said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I just think Ro shouldn't give her the satisfaction of being stuck on her." Lila defended herself as she walked Rose to their seat.

"I'm not!" Rose lied. Of course she still liked Juleka, they were meant for each other.

"It's okay Ro, we get that it's still hard for you!" Alya said thoughtfully as she slid into the spot in front of Rose.

"You should find someone else. That red head with the glasses is cute! Do you think she's lez?" Lila pointed next to Nino.

The new girl? Sabrina? Sure she was cute, but was filling the gap with someone else wrong? Rose shook her head. Yes. Of course it was wrong, but wrong was right in her book now. She wasn't that nice girl anymore and she wasn't going to act like it.

Before she made any decisions to go talk to her, Ms. Bustier walked into the room followed by Mr. Damocles. The two stood in front of the teachers desk and did not look happy. The mere presence of the scowling principal sent the entire room into silence. We all stared ahead afraid to be singled out in the crowd of students.

"Is everyone accounted for?" Asked the fat beared man.

Ms. Bustier scanned the room before turning to him. "Everyone except for Marinette and Adrien." Normally the Ms Bustier had a voice like honey butter. Soft and sweet like a truly joyful and curious child. But now it was sharp and cold and serious. "She must be upset but as long as he's with her, no harm will come to Marinette."

The Principal straightened him self and turned to address the class. "As I'm sure most of you heard there was a horrible act of bullying and vandalism this morning. It targeted one of your class mates, and while we don't know who did this, let me make one thing clear... Bullying of any kind will not be tolerated. Talk of suicide will not be tolerated. And anyone who is caught mixing the two will not only be punished but will be suspended for 3 days."

The class stared in horror at the man. "Who ever did this will be found out and expelled! If any of you have anything or know anything about this please come forward. If we find out any of you and with holding information, you will be punished." Ms. Bustier added.

Thoughts flooded through Rose's tiny head. She did this. Maybe this was a little too far but she can't be expelled! This all supposed to be funny!

The classroom door opened and to everyone's surprise, Marinette and Adrien walked in. The girl looked fine. As if the event never happened. Was she really not upset?

"Miss Dupain-cheng. Mr. Agreste." Mr. Damocles addressed the two in the doorway.

"We know we're late, I was just-" Marinette began but Ms Bustier held up her hand to cut her off. She fell silent as she eyed the teacher.

"You're not in trouble Marinette. We understand." She smiled at the Asian girl. Adrien opened his mouth to speak but Ms Bustier beat him to it. "Neither are you Adrien. You stayed with her, you did your job!"

"We will make sure this harassment towards you, miss Dupain-Cheng, will not go unpunished! Please take your seats." The two teenagers, without saying another word climbed the stairs and slid into their seat next to Rose.

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