Hospital Beds & note passing

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Adrien tapped his fingers nervously against his phone case, awaiting any sort of sign of conscientious. It been four hours since Marinette jumped and the only movement she had displayed was the very slight rise and fall of her chest as she took in breaths.

It hurt him to see Marinette like this. She had a oxygen mask placed upon her badly bruised face. IVs hooked into her arms, pumping bags of clear liquid into her veins. And her leg was casted and hanging in a sling from above her.
Marinette layed draped in a pale blue hospital gown and her hair was gently spread out under her as she slept.

But what bothered Adrien the most was the white gauze bandaging wrapped around her forearms. Well the wrapping didn't concern him, it was what was underneath it. After the doctors examined Marinette they discover several large, recent, gashes on her wrists. He hated that she ever did that to herself, the mere thought made him want to hold the poor girl and tell her 'everything would be okay.'

Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by his phone vibrating. Slightly startled, Adrien glances at the screen. Upon opening he saw that he had received a text from his Mother.

-Adrien where are you? You were supposed to be home two hours ago!

Instead of responding he just set the devise down. Minutes later it buzzed again.

-Look, I want to know your alright! After what happened to your father, just please tell me your okay...

He typed a response before shutting his phone off. Adrien turned his attention back to the unconscious girl in front of him. He grasped ahold of Marinette's hand before he muttered out. "Oh Princess, why would you do this to yourself?" He was basically speaking to the air, seeing as how she couldn't hear him.

But much to his suprise, she squeezed his hand in response to his words. It was as if Marinette knew he was there, and was saying 'it's okay' but Adrien knew she was telling him that. The message was for Chat. After all he called her princess, not Adrien Agreste.

As if on que to ruin what Adrien thought was a pleasant moment, the room door opened abruptly, in ran Nino Lahiffe. He ran to Marinette's side and pushed Adrien out of the way before spouting out apologies.

To Adrien his words jumbled together but he understood the gist of it. "Marinette I'm so sorry!!! Maybe if I was there I could have talked you out of it and you would be okay!!..." he continued to ramble on for a few minutes before Adrien got up from the floor where he had been shoved.

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now