When she realized her luck...

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That's what this was like.

Like her body was burning with anger, hate and darkness.

Chat left her?

He kissed her and left her.

This was surprising.

Chat wasn't the type of guy to do that to a girl.

Something was wrong. Marinette could feel it. She couldn't control herself, no matter how hard she tried, Marinette couldn't make herself move as if something else was living in her body.

Then she heard a voice, as if someone was speaking directly into her head.

"He hurt you, right? Chat Noir hurt and abandoned you...." She clicked her tongue and sighed. "Yeah... It's gonna be okay. You have me to help you avenge yourself."

This voice, it sounded like poison. Like evil undescribable to any other. No. No. No. Marinette didn't want to hear this anymore.
"Chat Noir is the enemy, don't you agree? He's a womanizer. He finds hopeless and desperate girls that he can help and once he gets what he wants, he leaves..."
Stop. Stop it. She tried to yell but nothing came out.
"But we can make him pay, oh yes we can... If we take his Miraculous he won't be able to visit and hurt girls anymore and he could suffer by your hand."
"Oh but where are my manners..." She giggled aloud. "I'm Monarch... What do you say Snare? Will you help me trap and stop Chat Noir for good?"
"Yes Monarch..."
Marinette couldn't control her words. She tried to stop it, over power this, but it was like she was being pushed out. Like she was drowned out by and outside force.
Then there was darkness.
Only darkness.
Was this her life now?
Was she only ever gonna see darkness.
Blackness expanding for meters on end.
It seemed like forever and never at the same time.
She couldn't guess how long she was alone.
Was it a minute?
Was it an hour?
She couldn't tell.
Boring into the darkness, unable to know whether she was frozen or moving, Marinette finally gave up hope.
You know what hope is right?
The feeling like things would get better.
It was finally gone.
Then the darkness change to an image
She was sitting at her desk in her classroom. A note landed on the wooden desk. She unfolded it to reveal the phrase, "How bout we get something to eat after this?"

She turned to look back at a grinning Kim.
Oh. This was when he was blew off for their date.
She didn't want to relive that again.
Then it changed again.
Now she was looking at all the mean things scribbled on her desk. She was desperate to look away but she couldn't seem to tear away her eyes.
Then it shifted once more.
This time she was at the Louve. Glitter and honey dripped from her body and the sound of bratty laughter echoed around her.

Rose she remembered.

This is when things really started going downhill. Marinette desperately wanted to go back and never go with Rose and tell her to go swallow a sword.
Again it changed.
Why was she seeing these memories?
This time it was the day after Kim never showed up to her date. Though Marinette didn't remember this part.

Adrien walked into the locker room and slipped a note into her locker before opening his own.

Then she came and opened her locker to find the note.

Marinette expected it to be from a bully, but it wasn't.

Instead the note said, 'Don't worry about Kim, he's a jerk. You're beautiful and strong and he doesn't know what he's missing. :D

That made her day but she never knew who put the note there. It was Adrien?
Then she saw the classroom empty and once everyone left Adrien got out the cleaning supplies and walked up to the desk in front of him. He scrubbed and wiped away all the writing on the desk and smiled before placing a rose on it and saying, "I wish you could know how special you are Mari..."
She was confused at all the things she was seeing.
Then it changed
Adrien handed Marinette her phone in the locker room and sped away through the halls.
It was Adrien, he was with her the whole time and saw her the whole time and she never saw it before.

Then as this revelation hit her a voice spoke through the darkness. "-nette? Marinette!" It called out pulling her back to reality.


Chat held Marinette in his arms. The Akuma fight ended. Snare was defeated and Chat was taking a cold sleeping Marinette home.

He was upset. This was his fault. Again Marinette was hurt because of him. He was so stupid. He put her in danger as soon as he started getting feelings and he made the dumbest decision in his life.

He kissed her.

He kissed the girl he loved and now everything was ruined. Marinette, sweet kind Marinette was Akumatized because of him.

He jumped down to pass through an ally when he felt her stir. "Marinette?" He asked worried. "Marinette!"

Rain poured down on them in the dark Paris Morning. Water dripped from her sapphire hair as her eyes slowly fluttered open revealing her blue eyes. "...A..dr..ien...?" She muttered drowsily. She seemed confused before stiffening and yelling out. "ADRIEN!!! I have to see Adrien!!!"

"Marinette calm down." Said Chat. "We have to get you home..."

Marinette looked up into Chat Noir's green eyes. Panic was running through her veins. "No! No! No! Chat you have to take me to Adrien!" Marinette coughed and began to shiver.

"Adrien? The Adrien you hate?"

"No you don't understand! Adrien was by me the entire time! He cared for me when no one else did!" She sneezed.

Chat Noir sighed. "You're delusional, you have a fever, I have to get you home and I spoke to Adrien, he said he was going to leave you alone, you won't see him again..."

Marinette began to cry as the rain fell harder. "N-Not Again!!" She cried as she pushed herself away from the superhero and onto her wobbly feet. "You left me!" She snapped. "I l-loved you, let you in and w-when I was f-finally getting better you l-l-left me!!! I! cannot! Lose! A-Adrien! Too!" Then as she began to sob Marinette cried out. "I f-fell f-for two people!! You broke my h-heart and left me!! I have to know how h-he feels, I have to keep Adrien in my l-l-life!!!"

As Marinette balled, she covered her eyes. "Mari..." Chat whispered as he pulled her into a hug. "Claws off..." Marinette gasped as Chat let his transformation drop. She pulled herself into his should because she knew she wasn't supposed to see his face. "Look at me Marinette..."

She shook her head. "N-No, it's against the rules..." She felt him pull away and clenched her eyes shut. She felt his soft warm hands land on her cheeks holding her face up.

"Please open you eyes..." He pleaded.

Swallowing hard, Marinette opened her eyes in the pouring rain. She gasped as she saw who he really was.

"Hi, Princess..."

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Hey thank you so much for reading!! I hope you liked this chapter!! I had fun writing it and changing up how the Akuma went!! Please leave a like and comment!!

Preview for next chapter

"It's you..."

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now