The First Snow

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It was cold outside, so cold snow fell from the sky and it was like a dream. Marinette was curled up on her sofa, not going to school today, drinking hot cocoa.

Everything felt right in her, all but one thing, Adrien. What was she gonna do? Marinette wasn't mad at him, wasn't upset, so why was she alone? Desperately she wanted to call the blonde boy, it was him the whole time. Capturing her heart not once, but twice. It was like a dream, and when she kissed Chat it was full of passion and desire but when she kissed Adrien, Marinette was in control, it was soft and sweet and she enjoyed every second.

Her mind was made up. Reaching for her phone, Marinette bit her lips excitedly. She was gonna call Adrien Agreste and she was going to tell him ho much she loved him. How he was the reason she got up every day, but before she could find his contact, there was a knock at the door.

Rising t her feet, Marinette opened the door to reveal her best friend, Nino and her bully Alya. Before Marinette could even come up with some sort of snarky comment telling them to get lost, Alya launched herself into Marinette's arms. Gripping her tightly Alya sprouted apologies over and over again. "I'm so so s sorry Marinette! I was a huge jerk to you and treated you horribly! I was dealing with some pretty heavy stuff and was using it to lash out at you and I'm so sorry!! I understand if you don't want t ever forgive me!!!!"

Taken aback by the sudden outburst Marinette let the two inside. "So... I think I'm missing something..." She let out overly confused. Nino and Alya sat down at the bar letting Marinette lean forward on the counter in front of them. "Nino?" She asked. "Why are you with...her?" Marinette treated her words carefully making the her sound like poison.

Alya felt guilty for all she had done to the girl. Is this what they mean by actions have concequences? She wished that all the times Alya ever called Marinette Chickenette, or when she threw glitter at her, were wiped away.

Nino grabbed Alya's hand from under the bar. "We're..." Looking at her foundly, Alya felt a warmth grow inside her, unlike anything else she's ever felt. "Dating." He said with a sigh.

"Okay....? Since when? And why her? Did you see what happened to her face? She probably got all beat up after she was whoring hers-"

Nino slammed his hand on the counter. "ENOUGH!!!!" He shouted over Marinette's sarcastic tone. "She's amazing and you don't get to talk about her that way!!!"

Marinette nodded in respect. "Okay. I'll forgive you... after you tell me what the fuck is going on."

She looked at the duo exspectantly. Alya was the first to pipe up an answer. "I got into a fight with my mom. She found out about my job, she accused me of trying to get away from her, that she wasn't good enough for me. I told her no, I'd never leave her. She didn't believe me..." Alya took a deep shaky breath before contuining. "She grabbed a glass pitcher my grandma gave her and smashed it over my head, then she- she beat me senseless. I knew I couldn't stay there, so I went to the last place she would ever look for me, the library. That's where Nino found me..."

Nino told the rest of the story of what happened. How he found her and listened to her problems. Truned out she was different then they though, Alya was only mean because of her mom. She was hurt, so she hurt others. Sure that isn't an excuse but it is a reason, a reason why she was a jerk, why she had a voice like acid, why she was always wearing make up.

Marinette wiped away her tears as they ended they're story and instead of saying anything she just hugged Alya's shoulders tightly. "I understand you, I forgive you-"

Then as if the world wanted to make matters even more complicated, the front door shot open and in walked a desprate looking Adrien. He slammed the door shut behind him and locked all the locks on the door. Resting his head against the door, Adrien sighed. "Marinette? I love you. I came to tell you that I love you with every fiber in my body. I know I lied to you, I know I've hurt you, but I am undoubtably, unconditionally, absolutely in love with you! I'd run on acrosss the atlantic if you asked me too, I'd crumble mountains to find you! You are my anchor, my gravity. No matter what I will always find you, I will always love you, you are my everything. My sun, my moon, my stars, my whole universe..."

He turned around to see Nino, Alya and marinette starring at him and suddenly Adrien felt embarassed. "Adrien...?" Asked Marinette in a soft voice.

He swallowed hard, looking at the audience in front of him. "But she found me... and she's coming for us, all hell has been unleashed and I can't stop it..." Adrien locked the balcony doors, seeing the snow fall from outside. 

Confused they all asked, "Who found you?"

"My mother."Adrien said dramatically. "Emily Agreste..."

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Thank you all so much for reading!! Sadly this is the end of the first book but soon I'll be posting the first chapter of "Lost in the Blizzard" This will be the sequeal to Throw it all Away. Until then I will be working on another book I've been writing, it's called A Buggy Prograb about a computer simulation falling in love with a nerdy Marinette! Please check it out, it will only be like 5 or 7 chapters but I love writing it!

Please leave a comment with any suggestions and some feedback about my writing!!

Thank you for reading Throw it all Away!!

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now