The Leak

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Adrien sat across from his Mother as he was eating breakfast. Leon was going on and on about his game Dragon Quest. It was where you could make up a character and send them on mid evil adventures.

He silently ate his eggs as he thought of the time he spent with his princess the night before. He found himself thinking of her more and more. If only he could talk to her as Adrien... but it was hopeless.

This was gonna be the day he was going to make a friend, he swore to himself this would be it! He sat in front of his mirror for an hour earlier practicing small talk. He was gonna do something big today, he could feel it!

"That's lovely Leon! Oh, I scheduled your first photo shoot today, are you excited?" His Mother asked his younger brother.

Leon grinned ear from ear. "Man I can't wait!! This is going to be so much fun! Right brother?" Adrien was too lost in his own thoughts to notice. "Brother?" Leon asked again. Adrien look up at his family, face bright red. "What were you thinking about?"

If it was possible his face turned even more crimson, it did. Emily raised her eyebrow amusingly. "Don't tell me it's a girl?" Adrien choked on his orange juice, and a knowing smirk met her face.

Adrien stood to his feet quickly. "Welp I think I'll head to school early!!" He coughed out.

"Not so fast! Your fans want to see where you go to school!" Emily said grasping a hold of her eldest son's elbow.

He looked at her confused. "So what are these so called fans gonna do, go to school with me?" He asked.

"Now Adrien, sarcasm isn't very becoming." His Mother scolded him. "No, Francis will drive you to school early, then you will livestream a tour!"

Adrien groaned. "Do I have to?"

Emily glared at him. "I wasn't asking Adrien..."


Marinette wiped away the stained tears on her puffy cheeks. She pulled her black hoodie over her head and gently slipped her freshly cut arms into it's sleeves. She had never harmed herself before last night but after LadyLuck...

Sighing to herself as she looked in the mirror. Marinette couldn't bring herself to do anything with her hair anymore, it just wasn't worth it.

She grabbed her school bag from by the door and began her walk to school.


Adrien looked in the car window and practiced his smile. It looked too forced. He was definitely over thinking this! He tapped Pinstagram in his social media folder. It loaded up with it's dancing dog and brought him to his feed. He pressed start livestream.

The screen lit up showing himself and suddenly hundreds of people were watching him on the screen. "Uh-" It was okay, just pretend it's only Leon. "Hey guys! I-I heard from a little birdie that y'all wanted to see where I spend most of my days." What was wrong with him? Y'all? Are you kidding?

He panned around the front court yard in front of the building. He was just talking to Leon... he took a breath. "This is my highschool, it may not seem like much but this is where most of my everyday life!!" See this isn't that hard.

Meanwhile Marinette snuck into school, treading lightly so no one should pay attention to her. More students were there today than normal but she was sure she could sneak by un- suddenly she was drenched in a smelly liquid. "Chicken broth for Chickenette!!" Lila yelled.

Marinette embarrassed once again ran to her locker and grabbed her gym clothes. Scattering to the girls bathroom she discovered it was locked.  Scrambling to change Marinette ran into the boys bathroom and locked the door. But poor Marinette didn't know the lock was broken.

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now