Behind the Bully's Mask

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Alya bit down on the rim of her black glasses. Tears slid freely down her brown cheeks after escaping her eyes. She took a new cotton pad and drenched it in hydrogen peroxide and pulled her now bloody flannel off of her body exposing her heavily bruised side. In some spots it was so bad her skin was broke open. She pressed the pad to her open wound and as it made contact Alya let out a groan.

"Alya!! Are you okay?!" Tikki asked as she hugged her neck. Muffle cries fell from her owner's mouth as she cleaned a bandage her fresh wounds.

"D-don't worry Tik-kki, I'm okay..." she said in an exhausted tone. Her phone buzzed and a notification popped on the screen. Argent Bank- €250 has been deposited into your account by Francis Beats. Alya sighed shutting off her screen.

"SHUT IT BRAT, I'M TRYING TO EAT!!!!!" Screamed her Mother as she banged on the wooden door hopefully protecting her daughter from her wrath.

Alya flinched at the sound of her angry tone. Tikki swooped in and wiped away her holder's tears. "Alya why do you let her hurt you?!" She whispered.

Alya swallowed hard. "If I can defeat an army of Monarch's minions, I can deal with my M-mom." Alya sighed looking down at her now healing stitches she gave herself the night before when it was worse than usual.

"But Alya! LadyLuck is indestructible, you're not! Why don't you ever stand up to her when she starts beating you?" She cried. Alya tried to look at her Kwamii but with out her glasses she could only see a red blur.

"Can we go to the Eiffel Tower please, I don't think I can stay her any longer..."


The sun was setting over Paris, sending the beautiful day into a cold and dark night. Cars was fewer and fewer at the hour and light began to flicker on to light the night of the city around them.

LadyLuck to be honest was angry at her self as she swung from street to street. What was wrong with her civilian self. She was abused and hurt everyday, bullied at her old school, so what does she do come to a new place and hurt people like she was. It wasn't fair and she knew she shouldn't behave like this, after all this Alya wasn't her. She wasn't mean to people, she was nice, she wasn't trendy, she was a nerd who liked comic books.

LadyLuck swung by apartment buildings all across the city. But this one was different. The only light shining the living room was a blue light from a computer screen. LadyLuck stopped and looked through the sheer grey curtains. Sitting on the black sofa was none other than Chat Noir and cuddled up to his leather side was Marinette.

Suddenly something hit her brain like a wave from the ocean. She smiled as she swung away from the apartment building. She had to pick up something...

Chat Noir slammed his controller down on the couch next to him

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Chat Noir slammed his controller down on the couch next to him. He drew a wide grin across his golden face as he turned to Marinette. "Well Purrincess... you beat me again! Does that mean I own you a kiss?" He asked jokingly.

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