Madam of Terror

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Leon swung his feet out of bed at the sound of a loud crash. His bare feet felt cold against the hard wood floorboards. He instantly felt a shiver after leaving his warm covers. The 11 year old boy swallowed hard as he maneuvered his way through his tidy room. He looked through the crack of his door to see into the dimly lit hallway.

He cautiously opened the door and stepped out onto the marbled floor. Leon didn't want to leave the comfort of his warm safe bed but this was too much. As he went to descend the staircase, Leon caught a glance at the family portrait.

Leon was grinning like the little kid he was and next to him was his older brother who looked very uncomfortable but tried to smile anyway. Their mother stood behind them with a hand on each of their shoulders, there was no smile. No trace of happiness at all, she was looking plain and professional as she always did.

There was another large crash coming from the study downstairs. Leon feared whatever layed behind those doors but thought back to his older brother. To others he was shy and antisocial but to Leon he was strong and always there for him, he'd want him to be brave.

Leon approached the large black door and gently knocked before pushing it opened and peaking inside. His Mother stood over a pile of broken glass fuming in anger. "Mother? Is something wrong?" Leon asked softly grabbing her attention. Her expression harden and all traces of anger vanished.

She turned to her assistant. Francis. He was a tall and slender man perhaps in his mid thirties, he was dressed in his normal black slacks and black vest with a white button up underneath.

"Would you please bring me a fresh cup of url grey and a hot chocolate for my son." She stated less like a question and more of an order.

Francis nodded sharply and replied with a simple, "Yes Madam." Before slipping out of the room leaving Leon alone with his Mother, Emily.

"Please have a seat Leon." She said in a tone that if you weren't around Emily enough, you might have thought she cared, but Leon knew the truth behind her tone. He did as instructed and sat down on her black and white sofa. Emily did the same, sitting in a throw chair across from him. He posture was perfect her hands rested softly in her lap and back was straight. "Did I wake you?"

Leon nodded gently afraid to irritate her. "Yes Mother." Emily pursed her lips in response. Before Leon could stop himself and filter his words he spoke, "Why were you so upset?"

A look of curiosity crossed his Mother's face. Afraid he might of crossed a line, Leon prepared himself for a reprimand. Often times his Mother wasn't very understanding with other people's words, but no backlash came from Emily's lips, instead she sighed. "Adrien." Leon was surprised to hear his brother's name exiting her lips.

"Ever since Gab- your father passed away-" Leon looked down ashamed. Gabriel was his father, and he was the strongest man in Leon's life. That's why it was so surprising when they found out he had stage four cancer. Leon was eight at the time, the doctor said he had a year to live. But three weeks later he was gone. Leon didn't understand, he used to wait at door everyday waiting for him to come home from work, but he never did.

Adrien took it really hard. Since he died, Adrien was different. He tried to hide when he was upset around Leon, tried to fake a smile, but Leon knew it was never the same...

"-I have given him the world. I gave him a job modeling our designs, I'd let him spend time with friends if he'd ever ask, I provide him everything he needs..." Emily said calmly. "I only asked a few things. For him to be confident, for him to model for me, for him to represent and obey me." Her expression turned cold.

A knock sounded on the door. Francis walked in, tray in hand. He approached the two and placed a silver mug in front of each of them then stood in the corner waiting for his next job.

"But no. He couldn't even do that. No he's not confident, he's afraid and stuck in his own head unable to even talk to a simple person! I asked him to Model, but he skips shoots - he doesn't like it he says, this isn't how I want to spend my life, he says!!" Emily bit down hard on her lip causing blood to drip off her perfectly taken care of face. She laughed in anger. Leon's eyes went wide as she glared at him. "Then as if it could get any better, he leaves for school one day - I let him walk and be so generous - but NO he doesn't com home. HE SENDS ME A TEXT!!!!"

She stood to her feet and through her hand into the air. "THAT UNGRATEFUL BRAT!!!" She hit a vase off her desk and it shattered in pieces on the floor. "I GAVE HIM THE WORLD AND THIS IS HOW HE REPAYS ME!!!!!"

Leon stood up and grabbed ahold of her sleeve. "Mother!!" Leon hugged her side tightly and Emily let tears slide out of her eyes. "Please calm down..." Leon begged her.

Emily let her knees give out and fell to the floor. Leon held his Mother as she began to sob. "My son..."

Leon hushed her. Holding his Mother tight, Leon took in a deep breath, holding it in because this 11 year old boy was too afraid to let it out. Leon missed his brother, of course he missed him but he had no idea how much resentment it was causing Emily.

"My son, Leon..." He looked into her meadow green eyes. "If you could have a wish, anything in the world... What would you ask for..?" Her eyes held determination and valor and yet when he looked into her eyes, he met a part of his Mother no one else knew, a part the whole world was fighting against, he looked into her eyes and saw...

?" Her eyes held determination and valor and yet when he looked into her eyes, he met a part of his Mother no one else knew, a part the whole world was fighting against, he looked into her eyes and saw

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Monarch. This was the last choice Emily had. Sitting at Gabriel's old bedside. In her hand was a broach, He told her never to use it, to let him go but she just couldn't, why must she let go of the love of her life? She wouldn't!

"Nooroo?" Emily asked. The color faded from the piece of jewelry she held in hand and a small purple creature flew out around her.

"Hello Madam." He said almost disappointed... Emily clipped the pin to her waist. "You know the wish won't bring him back..."

She shot him a glare. "Dark wings rise!" A suit made up of black and orange covered her body. She took a deep breath as she pushed her braid to the side of her neck. "This is my last choice..."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thank you for reading! I hope you liked seeing Emily's side of the story and meeting Adrien's left behind brother!

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