Highschool Days

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The morning was young, geese were honking as they flew in a wedge southwards for winter, chilly breezes from outside floated around the bedroom as Marinette slept peacefully in a daze, forgetting her troubles in the world. Her pale body was tucked neatly under a pink plaid fuzzy blanket she got for her birthday and her soft blue locks were spread out on her feather pillow.

Now, it wasn't the most graceful wake up, but Chat Noir thought it was quite impressive when Marinette managed to give him a strong right hook in his jaw when he said she had to wake up for school. So here he was rubbing the red tender spot on his face whilst Marinette in either embarrassment or humor hid under the cover from the black clad superhero. "Morning!"

"Are you nuts?! Why are you in my bed?!" Marinette shrieked.

"It's time to get ready for school."

He pulled the covers off of her and Marinette felt a rush of cold from the newly exposed air. "No! There is no way I'm going back there!"

Chat Noir laughed. "But Princess, you have no choice..." The leather clad superhero pushed him self to his feet and passed her clothes as he exited the room.

Marinette growled to herself before getting dressed. She slipped on a hoodie and some sweatpants and decided to call it good. I mean, why should she care what she looks like? No one likes her anyway.

She slipped on some shoes and went out into the living room to find the smell of beacon filled the air. Marinette crept toward the door and carefully went to turn the job.

"Don't even think about it Princess..." Marinette froze as chat noir spoke up. "You still have to go to school..."


The classroom was silent when Nino took his seat. No one dared to say a word. He leaned his head on his hand as music from Ginger Rogue sounded in his headphones.

Few students were here this early. Nathaniel was sitting on one of the steps scribbling in his note book, Chloe was watering Ms Bustier's orchid on her desk and Ivan sat droopy in the back.

Nino found this whole school thing pointless really. Why be here when he could be visiting his lov-

Just then a box was sat down in front of him. It was pink and wrapped with a plaid bow. Nino simply glanced to the side to see the glasses wearing ginger that he dispised, standing next to him with a huge smile on her stupid face.

"What's this?" He asked flatly.

Sabrina grinned. "A gift! I thought since we got off on the wrong foot, this could be a new start so we could be friends!"

Nino rolled his eyes. "So it's a damn bribe? Tsk!" More students filtered into the classroom.

Sabrina went wide eyed. "No! No! I just thought it as a peace offering!" Nino glared at the four-eyed freak. "Please just open it..." She begged.

Fine. He was going to open the stupid gift. But no thank you. No smile. Nothing. He was going to open it and if it's useful like a gift card he would use it but no.

He lifted the lid to see a large pin button that said 'If I was a turtle, I wouldn't be a shellfish one!' with a smiley tortoise on it.

A button. Of course. It's just a stupid button. Why should he expect anything more? "Do you like it? I made it myself!"

Nino opened his mouth to insult her when Ms. Bustier walked someone to the seat behind him, he fell silent. Someone with long dark hair and a black hoodie. Someone who looked like she was numb.


"-we thought it best to sit you by our best student!" The kind lady said as she set her book bag down by the bench.

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