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Marinette pushed the plastic tray away from her. "No."

Adrien sat across from her. They were sitting in the library for lunch, he thought it would be more comfortable for Marinette considering the large amount of people cramed in the cafeteria. He often used to escape there before, it was peaceful. "Yes! You need to eat!"

Currently he was having his daily argument with the depressed girl about eating her lunch. Adrien picked out a plump burger and chips for her, but stubborn Marinette refused to eat it. Since guarding her at school for the passed four days since she's been back, she hasn't ate a thing. Even at home with Chat she would barely bite the food she was given.

Adrien was starting to worry. Even though she always wore the same baggy sweatshirt and pants, you could tell she lost weight. Her bones on her hands, neck, and face became more noticeable and her skin looked like paper. If she continued this not eating, her hair would start falling out too.

"I'm not in the mood Agreste. Leave me be." She said plainly and she dug her head into the arms of her sweatshirt as she lied on the table.

"Please Marinette! Just try to!" The blonde pleaded.

Marinette only glanced up to glare at him before returning to her comfortable position. Adrien bit his lip in frustration and groaned to himself. Why won't she just take care of herself?!

"Hey Melody~" A soft voice uttered in a song like way.

Marinette shot her head up, eyes wide as she looked at the owner of the interruption. "Oh it's you..." Marinette muttered in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

The boy smiled with a look of pure peace and happiness. "I came to see you Marinette..." Marinette tried to hide it but Adrien saw the redness in her face.

Who was this guy?

"Can I sit?" He asked pointing to the chair next to Marinette, who in returned nodded softly. He smiled as he removed the black case on his back and set it down next to him before sitting down.

Adrien was baffled. Who is he? Adrien had never met him before. Then again he didn't meet a lot of people. He wasn't what you call a social butterfly, if anything Adrien dreaded talking to people. If he wasn't in class he was either hiding in the library or at home with his Mother.

His Mother... Adrien clenched his jaw as he thought of her. A shiver went down his spine. He left her to live with Marinette, no note, no conversation, he simply grabbed his stuff and left, then texted he wouldn't come home. Who knows when she'll loose her patience but when she does, oh Paris will never see the end of it.

But all that a side. Who was this boy to earn such a reaction from Marinette? "Oh you haven't seemed to touch your food! Do you not want to be healthy and beautiful?" He asked.

Marinette shook her head and grabbed the burger, taking a large bite. Adrien furrowed his eyebrows. Now she eats?

"Ahem!" Adrien cleared his throat gathering the boy's gaze. "I don't mean to be rude but who are you?"

"Oh pardon me. You probably know my sister, Juleka." He said. "My name's Luka!"

"Adrien." Marinette said quietly. "This is Adrien, my..." She racked her head for the right word. Desk mate? Friend? Buddy? "... annoying stalker."

Luka laughed. "I'm so glad you're alright Melody! After I heard what happened, I was so devastated, but here you are alive and beautiful as ever..."

Marinette shook her head as she placed her hood over her face." don't mean that..." She whispered.

Hurt washed over Luka's face. He pushed himself off his toes and pulled Marinette, who by the way had eyes the size of frisbees, into a tight hug. Luka burrowed his face into Marinette's neck, pushing her hood down.

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now