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To say it was a sleepless night was an understatement. Adrien lied flat on the couch staring up at the dark ceiling above him. He brushed his hands lazily through his hair in bitter frustration. He had seemed to try a million time to fall asleep, but to no avail. Letting out a deep breath Adrien pushed himself off the black sofa and onto his feet.

The boy glanced at the clock which read 3:42 am. Adrien sighed before shuffling into the dark kitchen. He clicked the switch atop the stove and turned on the warm over head light.

Yawning, Adrien decided he wanted a sandwich. Food often made people sleep so he figure give it a try. Not to mention his stomach was having quite the word with him tonight. The boy walked over to the stainless steal refrigerator and grabbed ahold of the handle.

As he was about to open the door, a picture held against the freezer door with a monkey magnet was a small square picture.

Marinette was sitting on the roof, her sapphire blue hair waving freely from the breeze. Her eyes were large and emotion less as she stared into the camera lense. Freckles danced freely upon her nose and cheeks. Her head was casted slightly to the side and a frown danced on her lips, though you could faintly tell, in her own Maritette way, that she was happy. He sat next to her, well Chat Noir did. A smile plastered on his tan face as the blue of the moonlight highlighted his soft features. His golden hair cascaded over his face in a shaggy manor. It was an old picture but it meant a lot to him. Adrien could never explain in words how he truly felt when looking at it.

He sighed before tugging on the fridge door and pulling it open. The cool air washed over his body sending a shiver to his toes. Adrien pulled out the basic ingredients for any good sandwich. Honey turkey, mayo, french bread, honey mustard, dill pickles and swiss cheese.

His eyes hovered over the cheese drawer, pondering if her should surprise Plagg or not. He glanced over the counter to the tissue box where Plagg had seemed to make his home. The kwamii was fast asleep. Adrien shrugged before shutting the door.

He assembled the sandwich and once he created his fine coulinary dish, began putting his ingredients away. Once he had closed the door, before he could turn around, a voice poked through the silence.

"Chat?" Adrien froze at the sound of a soft tired voice. "What are you doing?" Thoughts through through his maskless head. He couldn't let Marinette find out his secret identity. He was Adrien, the guy who accidentally leaked nudes of her, the guy whom she hated.

Then an idea popped into his blonde mess of a head. Bad or good? Probably bad but he couldn't let her know who he was. "Are you ok- mfff!!"

Suddenly his lips were on hers. Yep bad idea. Now you may be asking, Adrien if you didn't want her to know your secret identity then why are you kissing her? Well at this close she wouldn't be able to clearly tell who was really kissing her. What? Does he just want to kiss her? No no no no... well that was a plus...

Adrien knew he shouldn't be doing this, but why did it feel so great? Obviously because he was in love with the girl but she hated Adrien, despised him with a passion actually.

Then the thought acured to him, what happens when he pulls away, well he was screwed!

Adrien was surprised at how soft her lips were, and how sweet she tasted, but what really surprised him was when Marinette pressed herself up against him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Oh camembert! How he loved this girl! She was kissing him. Marinette drop dead amazing Dupain-Cheng was kissing him.

He pulled her close by the waist and leaned closer to the girl. She responded with a gentle nibble of his lip. Oh this was amazing! He'd never thought Marinette to be so bold! Marinette tugged on his blonde locks.

Adrien was eager to have more of her, he wanted to claim every inch of her body. He loved her, oh how he loved Marinette, and right now she was his.

He pushed Marinette back against the wall and resealed their lips quickly. Marinette wrapped her legs around Adrien's torso as she pulled him closer. Craving all of Marinette he grabbed her thighs and carried her to her room.

He had know idea what he was doing but whatever this was felt right. He pushed Marinette onto the bed in her dark bedroom immediately started kissing along her jawline. Marinette cooed and gasped when Adrien licked her neck.

Nibbling on skin as he trailed further down her soft neck, he left marks along the way. One for Kim, who hurt Marinette but was the reason Chat met her. One on the side for Nino, her best friend who had an obvious crush on her.

And the sucking hard in the middle of her collarbone, Adrien left a mark for Luka. The boy who could make Marinette swoon, who always flirted with her, and who wanted her more than anyone else. The bruise was a dark purple and right in the middle of her lower neck. He didn't have Marinette, no Luka wasn't here with her, Marinette was his.

"Chat~" Marinette breathed out heavily. Adrien froze. Then he remembered, Adrien wasn't Chat Noir right now.

He flew back away from his princess and turned so she wouldn't see his face. Marinette hates Adrien, the boy who leaked nudes of her, the boy who yelled at her the next day, the one who pushed her over the edge. This was his fault and Adrien knew it.

"What's wrong?" Asked Marinette from behind him.

He huffed. "I- you don't know how much I- I really really like you and want this but- I can't..." Quickly Adrien fled the room, scribbling down a note and grabbing his bag of clothes and slinging it over his shoulder.

He walked over to the counter and tipped over the box of tissues, a black kwamii tumbled out. "What the cheddar AD-" Adrien shout him a glare and silenced his small friend. Plagg looked up at him confused and worried. "What's wrong BigCat?"

The moonlight highlighted part of Adrien's face casting a deep shadow on the other side. This only emphasized the pained, yet stern expression it held. Plagg was worried about his owner, something was wrong and seriously off about him.

Adrien clenched his jaw and grunted, "We're leaving." Plagg shot him a puzzled look.

"But why? And why not in the morning? Is there an Akuma?" Asked the black cat.

"No Plagg." Adrien said solemnly. "We are leaving and not coming back.."

"But don't you want to say good bye to Marinette-"

He didn't even get to finish his sentence before Adrien growled at him, an angry hiss. "NOW!"

When Marinette finally came to her senses and ran out to find her Kitty. She couldn't believe it finally happened. Chat kissed her. The Chat Noir kissed HER. This was amazing. When she went out into the living room, all she could see was a flash of green light and her best friend, her crush, her Chaton, leap out to the paris night.

"Wait!!" She cried out hoping he would turn around but he didn't.

That's okay, she thought, I just wait till he comes back from his walk.

Marinette made her way over to her black sofa and sat down. She thought of all the things she would tell Chat when he got back. I'm so happy you are my friend. When I'm around you I feel safe and happy. I love you. It was then she noticed a note sitting on the coffee table.

She grabbed the paper and peeled it open to read the contents.

Dear Princess,
I love you and want to keep you safe, for this is the reason I can't be with you. You don't know who I am, and if you did, you would never forgive me.
I wish I could stay but I won't be returning.
Please find someone better than me.
Love Chat Noir~

Marinette couldn't stop it. She started crying, crying because she lost her love, crying because she lost her friend, crying because she lost her Kitty.

This was the worst...


"You've been hurt for the very last time by the person you trusted most, I think it's time we've finally met..."

Monarch sent out a vicious laugh...

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now