Sundays Before Mondays

866 16 36

When Nino woke up a smile floated onto his chocolate face. He lunged for his phone as if checking if the night before never happened. He desperately tapped on his Pinstagram app and slid over to his DMs.

He was so happy to see all his messages to his new DJ friend. Grinning ear to ear he began to type out a message.

Don't mean to seem like a stalker, but I liked talking to you yesterday and want to talk to you more. I guess what I'm trying to say is... Good morning? -Nino

Maybe it was stupid. He should probably delete it right? Then Nino took a breath and did what he probably shouldn't have, he hit send. Closing his phone Nino got up and began to dress himself for the day.

Thoughts barreled through his mind. It was the weekend, weekend in this case was referring to the few days of freedom from the absent mindedness teenagers spend the days, in other words no school. Hence the freedom to lay around in bed all day and eat an culinary invention Nino called, a pizza crossoint.

Don't ask. He was in the process of putting on a shirt when a ding-diggdy-ding sounded from his phone. He glanced at the message.

Pluh-ease, you be my stalker, no. Your sound is way better maybe I should stalk you! -Ginger Rogue

Nino thought he was gonna die, he felt all air leave his lungs and for the first time in his life, Nino forgot how to breathe. Yep not gonna lie, this was like the best day in his life to have his favorite DJ not only text him back but to say his sound was better- wait a second THE Ginger Rogue listened to his music?!?!


'Dear diary, today is gonna be a good day.' Chloe scribbled words down in her journal as her driver drove her through the empty streets of Paris.

Chloe rolled up to the road block. Getting out of the car she pushed by the police officers guarding the road. It was 5 in the morning.

Yep. Chloe woke up early, dressed herself in her usual dirt stained, flower print overalls and striped yellow shirt and twisted her hair into two twin braids. Why? Because as Chloe always said, 'if you want to beat the heat, you have to beat the sun.'

Brushing a braid behind her neck, Chloe marched toward in front of the appartment building to a group of young men. "Raymond! What's the hold up? Why is nothing set up yet?" She asked sternly and confused.

Raymond flashed her a conflicted smile. Meet Raymon Blanchet, eldest son to the Blanchet family. He was 19 years old, son of a millionaire and would one day inherit Blanc-Tec. His father's tec company, being catered from a young age to take the company when he was old enough. But he never seemed to care, his focus was the environment, eating healthy and keeping the world clean.

So when Chloe started Paris Gone Green, Raymond was instantly appointed as her number two, second in command. Together they ran the program, planting trees, putting in public greenhouses, giving away garden boxes, they did it together.

"The flowers haven't arrived yet."

Chloe sighed folding her arms. "Come on guys we have to set this up before she wakes up!" She glanced down at her mud covered boots.

Marinette was hurt, in pain and Chloe didn't notice. So to make up for it, make her feel better, feel happy. She had to make this up to Marinette show her that she cared, that she was loved.

"Sir! You can't be here!" Said Raymond to some guy behind her.

"Chloe?" Asked a deep voice from behind her. Chloe spun around to meet a very large man looking at her. Tom's eyes were filled with sorrow and thankfulness.

"Mr. Dupain? What are you doing here?" She asked as she fidgeted with her hair.

"Chloe!! I heard what you're doing for my daughter!!" Tom said with a sad smile. He grabbed a hold of Chloe's hands and held them tight as he pleaded with her. "Thank you so much!! She's all alone. She won't let me or her mother in, just tell her how much I love her..." Tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

This was absolutely heart breaking. Tom loved Marinette so much, and she was shutting him out... Chloe couldn't help but feel terrible with sympathy.

"Of course!!!"

When the flowers arrived everyone set everything up, vines spilling off her balcony leading to flowers in the street. It was like a waterfall of petals and in the center was Chloe and Raymond holding signs - official Marinette support group club! We are here to care, to cherish you!

As the sun came up, light poked through Marinette's curtain and she walked out onto the balcony, her face dull of all emotion but her eyes... Tears fell from her eyes and began sobbing with joy.

Chloe was glad her friend enjoyed her surprise. She deserved to be happy, deserved to be loved and then something caught her eye, proving she was... Chat Noir was standing behind one of the window's shear curtain, barely visible.

Chloe smiled, Chat loved her, it was like a divine sense she seemed to have. A hand clasped onto hers and the soft voice of Chloe's fiance whispered in her ear. "I totally ship it..."

"Me too..."


The class grew quiet when the classroom door opened. As Alya walked in, books pressed to her chest, she noted the raised eyebrows and astonished looks she received.

Her hair was stuffed into a messy ponytail and big nerdy glasses sat upon her openly bruised nose. There was no makeup hiding her flawed skin and everyone could see the reminders her mother gave her from the night before.

Instead of her main brand clothes she wore religiously, a stained orange flannel was wrapped around her. "Tikki... Everyone is staring at me..." She whispered quietly to her kwamii friend.

"Just go up to his desk and put the note down."

Alya swallowed as she walked up the stairs passed her desk and passed the whispering classmates to his empty desk and placed a folded sticky note before sliding into her seat.

Lila tapped her shoulder and Alya spun around to look at the fake fox. Her face looked like plastic and smile was like a sneer. "Whattt are you weaaaarrring Als?" She laughed. "And what was that thing you you had?"

Alya looked passed her as Nino sat down in his seat and unfolded the little scrape of blue paper, his face turned red under his glasses as he tried to hide his smile. Alya pursed her lips feeling her ears warm up.

"Nothing you need to know Lila." She said calmly saying her name like poison rubbing her "pal" the wrong way. Alya turned back around in her seat as her phone vibrated. There was a message from pinstagram.

I didn't know you went to my school;) -Nino

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Thank you souch for reading!! Hoped you like this chapter!! Sorry it took so long to write hope you like it!!!

Preview for next chapter

Adrien wakes up in the middle of the night...

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