Bully taunts

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Honey. A sweet sticky substance often used for tea or baking. But this was just horrible.

Marinette, Rose, Juleka and her brother were just finishing the movie. LadyLuck passionately kissed Chat Noir and the screen faded to black. Course, Marinette thought it was cheesy and kinda unrealistic.

She didn't really KNOW KNOW the superhero, but he stayed with her to cheer her up when Kim ghosted her. Sure, there was rumors about him but Marinette didn't think he was flirtatious, more sweet and protective...

The credits rolled down the screen and Marinette went to get up. She grabbed her left over bag of popcorn and walked down the row of theater seats. as she walked with her friends down the ramp out of the dark room Juleka started up a conversation.

"Well, that was crap..." She whispered earning a nod from her brother.

"NO! It was ROMANTIC!!!" Rose said as metaphorical unicorn flew out her butt from her cheerful attitude.

Juleka rolled her eyes. "It wasn't horrible but it definitely wasn't good either." Marinette added as she threw away her popcorn.

"Come on guys! It wasn't that bad!" Rose mumbled.

"Where to next?" Marinette asked tucking a stand of hair behind her ear. She noticed her bangs were getting a bit long, maybe she should talk to her mom about getting a trim. It had been a while since anything was different with her hair. Sure she thought of dying it once, but her hair was to dark.

"Let's go to the Louvre!" Rose exclaimed.


Camera flashes stunned Marinette from processing what just happened. She was the last coming out of the subway car and as she stepped out a lick gooey liquid was thrown over the top of her head but before she could wipe it off, glitter was thrown over it.

Laughter echoed around her and as Marinette wiped her eyes she saw Alya and Lila standing by Rose who was recording. "R-Rose? W-Why?" Marinette asked sobbing from embarassment.

Rose cackled. "You thought you were so great and you were gonna be a fashion Queen! Ha! Now you know your place!!"

From that day, Rose made it her mission to humiliate Marinette...

From that day, Rose made it her mission to humiliate Marinette

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Marinette sighed as she looked in the mirror at her arms. Some of the bruises were still healing from the fall and freshly open cuts stretched across her wrists and forearms. If Chat Noir found out, Marinette would be screwed.

Long sleeves it was then.

Marinette hid the piece of broken glass she had been using under her ladybug shaped piggy bank on her dresser. She pulled on her black hoodie and pulled her hair out from under the hood.

She glanced at herself again hoping to feel anything, but as she gazed at her self in the mirror she could only see how utterly broken she truly was. No smile could hide how numb she really felt. Why couldn't she have just jumped off that building and never woke up? Why must she still have to suffer from this miserable life? The sun would have gone down and all they would have found in the morning was a dead corpse in a pool of blood...

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now