Important Update & Bonus Chapter

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I'm almost finished with the next chapter but due to some *cough cough* unfortunate things in my life, I had to rush it a little, so please excuse anything undetailed things.

I would like to know which ship I should push more. I mean there will be a lot of moments and time for both but which should be more often. Please leave a comment under the ship you want to vote.

Adrienette (innocent)

Marichat (not as innocent ;3)

Now lastly I wrote a bonus chapter that is just a one shot for Adrienette to apiece the fandom gods! Jk! But here's the chapter!

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Adrien rolled his eyes as he wait outside the locker room for his "friends" whom were taking F. O. R. E. V. E. R. It was the hottest day of the summer and they were taking their sweet time to finish changing.

He sighed leaning against the boiling concrete wall. He jumped as he felt the practically melting wall hit his back, and though he felt he was on fire, he froze, eyes wide as he saw her. Sitting by the far side of the pool on the guard stand, was a girl whose hair was so black, it looked almost be blue.

She was wearing a red swimsuit the framed her perfectly. It hugged her tight in all the right spots but what got Adrien was her beautiful porcelain face. It was subtle and unexsplainable but her beauty compared to no other, she didn't need make up, because to Adrien the blue eyed beauty had no rival.

He would've stayed there forever lost in her features but he was pulled out of his trance by Nino slapping the back of his head. "Dude! You checking out the Lifeguards?" He asked teasingly.

"NO! I was just-" he couldn't even finish before Nino butted in.

"I don't blame ya Dude! I'd so hit that!" He pointed at another girl with brown hair.

"Whatever-" Suddenly he and Nino were pushed into the water. The water was cold but refreshing. Adrien bobbed his head out of the water to find the corporate.

"KIM!!! What the HELL!" Adrien yelled at the smiling idiot.

Her rolled his eyes at the blonde. "Hey Agreste, dare you to jump off the platform!"

"NO!! There's no way you're going to get me to jump off of that death trap!!"

• • [ 5 minutes later ] • • •

"Why am I doing this?" Adrien asked himself as he looked down at the pool below. A 15 foot drop into the water, what a grand idea.

He sighed as he looked over at his friends. Kim holding a thumbs up, Nathaniel holding his sketch book to his chest as he watched quietly and Nino hitting on a girl. Adrien took a breath in before spotting something else.

The girl on the guard stand was looking at him. This was his chance, maybe do something to impress her, like maybe a flip or something. They made eye contact and he winked at her before doing a silly bow. He could see her laugh before he accidentally fell off the platform.

Adrien couldn't straighten his body in time and instead hit the water on his back, causing a loud slapping sound. Suddenly he felt he couldn't move or breathe as pain filled his body.

The boy sunk to the bottom. He spent his last moments looking at the water now above him. It's shimmering blue called him. Adrien never thought he'd die like this but fate was cruel. He couldn't keep his eyes open any longer. It was only darkness.

A place of nothingness. This was where he would always be.

But to his surprise Adrien could feel a pushing on his chest. He could feel his consciousness returning. A pair of lips layed on his own as air was forced back into his body and in a jolt, the water in his lungs spit out and his eyes flew open to meet a pair of blue ones.

His breath was heavy and his mind racing as he started at the girl he was hoping to talk to since he got here. She smiled at him gently as she spoke. "Are you okay?"

"I-I'm alr-" he was cut off by his friends tackling him into a very forced hug.

"Adrien, you gave us a heart attack..." Nathaniel said quietly.

"But that was so awsome!!" Kim added. He smiled at the rag tag boys, before getting up. He looked around for the girl but couldn't find her anywhere.

Adrien sighed his one chance wasted. He didn't feel like swimming anymore even though it was boiling hot, so he changed into dry clothes and walked out front. He was about to exit the small lobby area when he felt a tap on felt shoulder.

Adrien spun around to see her. She held a happy smile on her cute face and had changed out of her swimsuit and into a dry pair of clothes. "Hi, I wanted to make sure you're doing alright?"

The blonde was kinda at a loss of words. "I-I fine."

She giggled at his little response. "Great!" She exclaimed happily before fidgeting with her fingers. "So... uh here!" The girl handed Adrien a small piece of paper. "I saved you life so... you owe me a date!"

Adrien's voice got caught in his throat so instead he stupidly nodded. He giggled and waved at him. "Okay! Call me!" She walked out the glass door leaving Adrien alone to melt into a pile of glue.

He looked at the paper in his hand. A phone number was written along with the caption-

~your future girlfriend~

He smiled to himself. "So her names Marinette..."

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now