update and bonus chapter

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Hey guys, I might not update this week because I'm actually going in for heart surgery!! So I'm not sure if I'll be up for writing so I decided to give you a one shot to fill the gap! So without further ado, Mistletoe...

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Adrien was nervous, he had never been to a Christmas party before, at least no other than his father's work parties, but those were never much fun.

So here he was, sitting in the car whilst his driver stopped in front of the dock. Juleka offered to host the party at her house since it was quite spacious and could fit all his classmates.

Taking a deep breath, Adrien grabbed his present from the seat next to him and finally stepped outside. The chill of the winter eve, hit him like a pile of brick. Snow rained from the sky but didn't stick to the pavement.

No body was out on the main deck due to the cold weather outside so Adrien climbed down the stairs to the lower deck. Knocking on the door, moments later it open to reveal people chanting in Christmas sweaters and drinking eggnog.

Nino instantly ran over and hugged his bestfriend. "Dude!! I thought you'd never get here!!!"

Adrien laughed. "Well I'm here now, that has to count for something!"

"Trust me it does!!! Adrien's here!!" Nino shouted.

Alya walked up to the two boys and slung her arm around Nino's shoulders. "Hey Adrien! Who's the present for?"

Adrien laughed seeing as how she wanted whatever was in the box. "Not telling!"

The class had drawn names about a week ago for Secret Santa. He drew Nathaniel so Adrien bought him a 100 color pastel kit and a multimedia sketchpad. He was sure he would like it.

"Well you better go give the gift to-" Adrien tuned out Alya's voice when he caught sight of Marinette. She was dressed up as an elf. Oh camembert! She looked so cute and festive.

Adrien was acutely aware of how he felt for the girl. She was sweet and kind and beautiful, what was there not to love about her but he knew that she didn't feel the same way. For the past few months, Adrien was hyper aware of the girl. He found himself dreaming more of the girl. Staring at her when she wasn't looking.

"Oh Marinette, pretty cute huh?" Alya asked sending Adrien's face a blaze.

He pushed his hand through his hair and smiled. "I think I'm gonna go say hi," Alya's eyes grew wide as she tapped Nino's sleeve rapidly.

Adrien took a deep breath as he weaved his way through the crowd, trying to get to a laughing Marinette. Oh she was so cute! Her hair bounced with her laughter and smile grew wide with each passing second.

"Hey Marinette!" He said as he got closer. She turned to face him, grinning nervously.

"H-Hi Adrien..." she said back softly.

Swallowing Adrien reached into his pocket and grabbed ahold of the note. It had become quite heavy in his Jean pocket as he approached the girl. It was a poem. Yep, dumb right. He wrote it for Marinette and he was determined to give it to her.

Then an arm swung around her shoulders hugging her slightly and causing Adrien to stop. "Adrien, glad you could make it!" Said a cheerful Luka. A matching elf sweater dressed the boy and then the thought hit Adrien. They planned this, they dressed up together, that was who she was laughing with.

Adrien released the paper, unaware its slipping out of his pocket and tumbling to the ground. "Oh hey Luka." He said disappointed.

No doubt the older boy picked up on it because he shot Adrien a look. Not the 'back off' or 'she's mine' look, but one that asked if he was alright. Smiling in response Adrien pushed away the thought and thought up an excuse to get away. "Have you seen Nathaniel?" He asked.

Throw it all away - Adrienette & Marichat AUWhere stories live. Discover now