Flying Cars & D203

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Chloe ran into her garden, closing the gate behind her. Tears streamed down her red, puffy cheeks as she picked up a pair of clipping shears.

When Nino told her about Marinette, she knew she had to make her feel better. Chloe began looking through her flowers, holding the stems gently, she cut carefully near the root. Chloe tried to bundle the fresh cut flowers, but her hands couldn't seem to stop shaking. "...why Marinette?..." she asked herself.

"Oh Choe dear!" Chloe froze at the sound of a new voice in her greenhouse. "What's the matter?" She turned to face her father, tears welling up in her eyes. In a fast jolt forward, the crying girl captured her father in a tight hug. Silent whimpers escaped her as she tried to find the words to explain.

Andre Bourgeois could believe his ears, Marinette seemed like such a nice happy girl, but this... "Oh daddy, we have to do something!"

He didn't speak for a moment. "...of course we will..."

Marinette slipped into class quietly, trying not to disturb lessons. She carefully tried to tip toe to her seat, but was stopped by a loud voice behind her. "Marinette Dupain-cheng! Why were you late?"

Marinette froze. "I over slept mam." She said meekly.

"Take your seat." Marinette slid into her seat next to Nino. He looked over at her curiously, he could see dark circles under her red eyes.

After Marinette got out all her stuff and layed it out in front of her. She glanced back at Kim. He snickered before looking away from her, and just before Marinette's eyes started tearing up, there was a series of loud screams from outside.

Akuma attack.

She ran out of the classroom, flying down the stairs, and out of the large school doors. Marinette stared in awe at the battle, she watched as Chat Noir tried to keep the Akuma at bay while he waited for his heroine partner.

Marinette thought these fights were so exciting. She just wished she could be a superhero too.

As she was lost in thought, the Akuma sent a car, flying at her. She was frozen in fear, unable to move, Marinette closed her eyes, bracing herself for impact. But instead she a gust of wind hit her fearful face. Marinette cautiously opened her eyes, and found herself looking at a red and black suit.

Ladyluck! She spun her yoyo around her finger. The car was completely split in two. Marinette stared captivated by the hero in front of her. Ladyluck turned her head, to the side, just enough to look at the bluenette and smiled. She waved to her with two fingers before swinging away to fight.

Marinette stood there, awestruck. 'What just happened?' She thought. But seconds later she was tackled in a hug by Rose. "Marinette!!! I'm so happy you're okay!!!" She cried. "Let's go!!" But Marinette couldn't help but stand there, still shocked by her almost death...

Tom Dupain helped his daughter up the stairs. She carefully held on to the rail as they walked. The two walked down the hall before stopping at the last door. At the top of the door, four golden letters read D203.

Marinette reached into her pocket and fiddled with her keys, selecting a silver one, and unlocking her door. "Honey, are you sure you will be okay alone?"

Marinette rolled her eyes. Why wouldn't people just leave her alone, she thought to herself. "Yes papa, I'll be fine... I promise" she smiled gently, trying to pass the lie.

"Well, I'm just worried about you being alone..." Tom said playing with his fingers. Marinette pushed her apartment door open, revealing her cozy home.

"Papa... Everything is gonna be okay! I'm fine!" She hugged her father and grabbed her bag from his overly large hands, waved to him as she limped inside.

"Ok... but remember I lov-" He was cut off by Marinette shutting the door.

Finally she was alone. Marinette was in the hospital for three days and under constant supervision, and it was driving her insane. Her leg still hurt, but she didn't mind she liked the pain.

She slid up her sleeves up to her elbows and walked into her kitchen to find the knife block empty. Curious if they had somehow gotten dirty, she checked the dishwasher. To her surprise nothing was in it either. Marinette then glanced around the apartment.

Had someone cleaned it? Then a yawn was heard from the bathroom only before a black cat stepped out, rubbing a towel in his hair. "Damn, I needed a good shower lately~" he purred out before laying eyes on Marinette. "Oh, Hi Princess! Welcome home!"

She starred, very confused, at the superheroe who seemed to have bathed in... his... suit... "Chat Noir! What are you doing here?" She tried her best to hid her nervousness but she was sure he could tell.

"Well Purrincess... I'm moving in!"

"W-What?!" She was speechless. "But I only have one bed.... and little food to share and you-"

She was cut off by a giggle. "You're kinda cute you know. I'm gonna sleep on the couch and I can buy food..."

"But I don-"

"Stop trying to find excuses. I'm staying here whether you like it or not!" The feline growled at her before walking towards the girl. He leaned into to whisper in her ear. "People care about you... and you can't do anything... about it..." he began to walk back to the bathroom before turning to face Marinette once more. "By the way, I removed all items that you could hurt yourself with." With that he left her alone.

She was stunned for a second before scattering to look for anything sharp. She rummaged through the kitchen drawers but was frustrated when she found nothing. All of her knifes were gone along with the silverware and matches.

She growled to herself. Why can't that damn cat just leave me the hell alone? She ran to her room, opening the door she found everything clean and tidy. She inwardly panicked as she lifted up her piggy bank to find her pocket knife gone.

"Damn it cat!" She whispered. Then a thought popped into her head. Marinette walked to her dresser and opened her third drawer. She reached her hand in and peeled a shard of glass off of the top of the drawer. She had hid it there with duck tape in case of emergency and obviously Chat Noir never found it.

Marinette smile to herself as she held the shard in her palm. Quickly the girl closed her bedroom door and locked it. She sat on her bed on her knees and pushed her shirt up.

She brought the shard closer to herself...

She pressed it to her skin...

She bled...

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Sorry this chapter took so long to update! It was kinda rushed writing but I hoped you liked it!

...Preview for next chapter...

Marinette goes back to school to find an awful surprise and Nino gets into a fist fight.

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