You keep telling me you'd never hurt me

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You keep telling me you'd never hurt me,
But you don't understand how I want it to be.
I don't need your empty words,
The promises of hollow worlds.

I just wish you were here when I'm at my worst,
When my own mind goes against me and in tears I burst.
I wish you were here when I wake up or stay up late in love,
Appreciating the softer side of me as I tell you I'd never stop putting you above.

Never stop kissing me like a teenager,
Please don't ever turn to a stranger.
I'm shaking in your arms as irrational fears,
Almost turn to screaming and tears.

But all I ever crave is to be in your arms,
As you protect me from all the harms.
I never knew I deserved you,
Just like the way I say I love you too.

I'm a dreamer,
But nowadays I'm a believer.
It's like I'm your twin flame,
And if this ends there's no one to blame.

All the old love songs about my exes,
Remind me of you now.
Of the opposite and same sexes,
And I don't even know how.

I feel so whole,
And I feel it in my soul.
You take me not to cloud nine but heaven,
It's like from cloud one to ten, cloud eleven.

I'm the forgiving,
The one that never really stops giving.
But please don't take me for granted,
I just wish I can forever feel enchanted.

You look at me,
And I wonder what do you see.
The soft eyes tell me everything,
And not to ever worry about a thing.

Your dark eyes and your crazy looking hair,
Makes me never want to share.
Is it okay if I don't want to let you go?
Because you give me more than just the glow.

When you're asleep I sometimes whisper: “我爱你。”
Like you're all I can see.
I woke up at the weirdest times just to write this,
And you pull me back giving me a kiss.

Don't let this go unless we become pretend,
Then I would want this to end.
Because I don't ever want to lie,
Unless I'm scared and I don't know why.

I woke up at 3 am and am staying up till 5 am,
I just can't stop thinking about you all the time from pm to am.
Here I am smiling, giggling and dead tired,
I've never felt more inspired and desired.

I know I'm crazy,
And everything feels a little hazy.
But you're all I need,
"Don't ever leave me alone. " I plead.

Poems Pt. 1 (On Going)Where stories live. Discover now