To Myself

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Been keeping to myself,
Posts and streaks late.
You need to start saving yourself,
And stop with that inner hate.

I know they've been hating,
And don't keep them waiting.
Show the way you glow,
Make them stutter and wonder how.

I know it's been though,
And I heard about your pain.
The world is sometimes rough,
But we know you won't die in vain.

There's no one to blame,
And you don't have to bow in shame.
Just stay humble and show them how you do it,
Don't mumble and you know you're lit.

Take it and survive,
I know deep down this is where you thrive.
We're the ones in the background,
Those who work mostly underground.

But we're so real,
If they ask we're the deal.
They just don't know yet,
We're beautiful like the sunset.

Poems Pt. 1 (On Going)Where stories live. Discover now