Some Days I Realise

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Some days I just realise,
Loving him isn't worth it.
Maybe I'm just tired of chasing these highs,
Or maybe this just ain't it.

There's a part of me that wants to forever stay single,
I just want to explore the whole world and mingle.
I wish I could understand why does my heart yearns for more,
When forever is what I swore.

I don't feel happy,
And if I stay I might turn snappy.
I don't mean to break your heart,
And thank you for being the muse to my art.

I'm not scared anymore,
It's just you're not the one I adore.
I know you don't want to let me go,
But staying isn't worth it because I'm still going to say no.

I know this is too soon and too cruel,
I didn't mean to make you my fool.
I'm sorry,
For this being end of our story.

Because I don't want to lie to you,
And I just want to explore something new.
I warned you I'm the heartbreaker,
I just don't want to be a faker.

Thank you for the time we had,
Even if this ends bad.
Because I feel like over and over I'm reading the same story,
In the end they just don't have the same glory.

Poems Pt. 1 (On Going)Where stories live. Discover now