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I walk out of class and see Jungkook standing on the same spot he always does with the car door open. I slowly walk towards the car and sit inside. He closes the door and gets in the car and starts driving. I stare out the window as he drives on the route to the hotel as always. Yes, he never took me to his home. Never saw me outside of that hotel room. I think he wouldn't even look at me outside of that hotel room.

But despite all these I let him toy me around. Use me, hurt me over and over again. I can't help it, I can't bare with the thought of not letting him have me. I can't process the though of not having his touch. Not having the feeling I get every time he's near me.

As we reach the hotel Jungkook gets off the car and opens the car door for me. I slowly step out and get in and walk through the lobby and get inside the elevator. I press the button and after a while, it stops on the 14th floor as usual. I get off and walk to room no. 1408. The room we always meet in. I knock on the door and twist the door knob and get in.

I close the door behind me and see Jimin sitting on the bed going through his phone.
"Make me a drink." He says not even sparing me a glance.
No apologies are going to be made as usual and I'm going to forgive him even though he didn't ask me for it. I walk to the side bar in the suite and start making his go to drink. It's whiskey on the rocks, I tried it once it made my throat burn like he makes my heart burn.

I walk to him and stand in front of him with the drink. He takes it from my hand without looking at me.
"Get on your knees." He says taking a sip of the drink.
I kneel down in front of him with my hands resting on the sides of my thighs.
Jimin finally looks at me and stares at me.
"Take the hoodie's cap off." He says looking at me with an expressionless face.

I take the cap off revealing my bruised cheek, it has shades of blues and purples imprinted on it.
"Did it hurt?" He says rubbing my cheek harshly.
I stare at him and slowly look down at tears threatens to spill.
"Y—yes it did." The words come out of me with difficulty.
"Remember when you father used to hit you." He says chuckling, it's like he's sprinkling salt on my wounds that are dug deep inside my heart.
"Remember when I saved you? You owe me right?" He says making me look at him. I look at him and let my tears fall as I can't hold them back anymore.

"I don't hit as hard as he does right babygirl?" He asks smirking.
"No you don't." I say.
You don't hurt me that often but your words kills me a thousand times.
"Daddy only hurts you when you act naughty right babygirl? When you don't follow his rules." He whispers caressing my cheek softly.
"Yes." I breathe out closing my eyes.
"Yes what baby?" He rubs circles on my cheek with his thumb.
"Yes daddy." I part my lips melting by his touch.

"You won't disobey me anymore would you babygirl." He asks sitting straight taking his hand away.
"I won't daddy." I look at him trying to calm my breathing.
"I know you won't babygirl." He says and grabs my face harshly and pulls me to him and kisses me hard.

His soft plump lips starts ruining mine, he bites and licks my lips harshly. I part my lips to give him entrance and his tongue slides in my mouth taking over me. The feeling of his dominance makes a shiver run down my spine.

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