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I stare at him as he softly snores while laying his head on my chest. I'm happy, happy that he finally agreed to be with me. But why? Why all of a sudden there's a change of heart. Why does he want to be with now? Why am I suddenly up to his standards?
My mind keeps asking me these questions over and over again.
"What is it?" Jimin saying looking up at me in a sleepy voice.
"Nothing, its just that... nothing." I caress his face with my index finger.
He rests his head on my chest and pulls me close to him.
"There's something, I know and you should go for it and ask me what is it." He says looking at me.
"Why did you take me back? Why did you all of a sudden bring me to your house? Weren't you getting engaged?" I bombard him with all the questions I had in my mind.
"Did you forget I own you? Hmm babygirl? I'm still engaged, I just can't seem to let go of you, that's all." He smirks looking up at me.
I stare at him as I feel my heart clench. I move away from him as tears starts gushing out of my eyes not stop.
"You can't leave!" Jimin yells sitting up.
"I will! You fucking bastard!! Stay away from me!!" I scream putting my clothes on.
Jimin grabs me by my hair and yanks me to him.
"No! Stop let me go!!" I scream trying to get his hands off me.
"I own you and your body!" He growls in my ear holding me by my hair.
I close my eyes as helpless cries comes out of my mouth.
"STOP!!" Jungkook comes in yelling.
I open my eyes and look at Jungkook helplessly. He lunges to us and snatches me from Jimin and hides me behind him. I hold onto his shirt from behind clutching it as tight as I can.
"I called your fiancé Mr. Park she's coming with her and your parents here. So, you better get your act together and let Y/n live in peace, if you can't accept her in front of the world then let her go!" He says in a stern and clear voice.
"How dare you Jeon?! How fucking dare you?!" Jimin clenches his jaw.
"Don't ever come after her." Jungkook says picking me up bridal style and starts walking out of the room.
"You will pay for this Jeon!!" Jimin yells.
Jungkook doesn't stop, he keeps walking with me in his arms. I sob nonstop looking up at him.
"Stop now, will you? I'm here, I'm sorry I let you go in the first place." He says placing me in the front seat of his car.
He gets in the drive's seat and starts driving.

After a while

Jungkook carries me in his bedroom and lays me down on his bed. I can't stop my tears from flowing, I feel his eyes on my bare thighs, he slowly creeps his hand on my right thigh.
"No!! Stop!" I yell.
"You all are the same! You want me for my body too don't you!!" I scream.
"Stop being such a ridiculous person." He clenches his jaw and pulls my dress down covering me up.
"I was trying to cover you up, but if seems like a slut like you doesn't know the difference between anything." He says spitting venom.
I stare at him and swing my hands across his face giving him a tight slap. Jungkook pokes his cheek with his tongue and looks at me.
"Say sorry." I say looking at him.
He says noting, instead he heads out of the room slamming the door behind him.
I break down into tears, as the pain takes over my heart. My dignity has been stripped down in front of everyone. No one sees me with respect anymore. I'm a slut in front of everyone. He made me this, he lied to me. He never did, never will see me as equal to him. I will always be the whore he paid for quick fucks.

Jungkook's POV

She's so stupid, she herself got herself in this situation. She ran after something she knew would only hurt her. The status, the money, the luxury blinded her. The girl I first say years ago, the purity that made me fall for her is long gone, and so is my love for her. I only pity her now, I now see her as a lonely soul that needs my help to survive. And I will help her survive, help her be free from the mess that she is in. But in that process of helping her I may hurt myself over and over again. Whenever I look in her eyes, somewhere behind layers and layers of misery I still see that girl, that pure girl who made me fall in love.

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