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Jungkook's POV

"Listen I know what you want from me." Y/n suddenly comes up to me and starts talking out of context.
"And what is it that you think I want from you?" I ask as her question left me puzzled.
"You want sex right? You think I'm a slut so you can fuck me by giving me shelter." She folds her arms over her chest in a protective manner.
I stare at her, I don't know from where she gets these sorts of assumptions. I can't believe I fell for someone so dumb like her. Without any sort of further explanation she walks to me and sits on my lap, straddling on my crotch. I open and close my mouth like a fish. God, give this child some sense.
"I know you want me, so be it. Use me, and in return let me stay here for a while." She leans to me.
Wait, is she going to kiss me? What the fuck?
"Stop whoring your body for everything you need." I push her off me making her fall on the floor.
A muffled groan comes out of her mouth as she stands up holding her head, that has a growing potato on in.
"So what do you want?! And can you please let me stay here?" She yells rubbing her head.
I can't take her serious right now, all I want to do is laugh out loud.
"Yes use please and request more instead of shoving your womanly charms to me." I say clearing my throat.
"Can you please let me stay here for a while?" She says clenching her jaw, very cleay showing that she's pissed.
"Sure, it will be my pleasure to have you as my house guest, right Suki?" I ask Suki, she barks playfully and smiles sticking her tongue out.
"Thank you." She bows to me.
"But but there are some rules." I stand up.
"What?" She looks at me.
"You will do half of the house chores, you will clean up your mess, and you will cook for us." I say smirking.
"Sure asshole." She walks away groaning.
"Language." I tease her more.
She flips me off without turning to me and heads straight in the bedroom.
"This will be fun." I look at Suki and wink.


Your POV

"Y/n I'm leaving for work." Jungkook yells.
"Okay." I respond from inside the bathroom.
After finishing my shower, I wrap a towel around me. I walk out and head to the kitchen wiping my hair dry with another towel. As I was about to go back in the bedroom Suki bits a hold of the edge of my towel.
"Damn it Suki let go!" I groan pulling on the towel.
Suddenly the main door opens and right then Suki pulls really hard on the towel and snatches it off my body.
"I forgot..... oh my god!! Why are you naked?!" Jungkook turns around yelling.
I feel blood rush to my cheeks, quickly pulling the towel up I wrap it around me.
"Tell that to your fucking dog who snatched the towel off my body!!" I glare at Suki.
Suki whines and rubs her head on Jungkook's leg.
"Don't you dare blame my beloved Suki, you naked woman." Jungkook leans down and pats Suki's head.
"Don't call me that!!" I roll my eyes getting at the verge of my patience.
Jungkook stands up and walks to me without saying anything. I watch him for a while, and feel myself walking back on my own. I back away getting in the bedroom. He keeps walking and makes me lean on the dresser. I lean back as much as possible, his face keeps coming closer to mine. As his lips were above mine he moves to the side and brings his lips to my ears.
"Naked woman." He whispers chuckling.
"Stop it!!" I push him by his chest hard.
He chuckles and takes his phone that was on the dresser.
"Bye bye naked woman." He laughs walking out of the apartment.
"What a jerk!!" I say to myself while getting dressed.

At night

I hear my phone buzzing so I pick it.

"Hello." I say while changing the tv channel.

"Hello naked woman listen my girlfriend is coming over tonight. So, please don't be naked and tell her you're my cousin sister." He explains.

"Excuse me! I'm not a naked woman you asshole! And why would I lie because of you?!" I yell into the phone.

"Because you stay in my house and I don't want my girlfriend to mad at me. You know how you girls are right? You doubt us men with every step we take." He says with a cocky tone.

"Oh hello I'm not like those other girls, huh speak for your girlfriend who has trust issues. And wait a sec, where did this girlfriend of your pop up from?" I ask knitting my eyebrows together.

"Not girlfriend to be exact she's my crush. And don't talk too much do as I say and don't cook dinner I will have some pizza delivered tonight." He exclaims.

"Yeah exactly how can an asshole like you have a girlfriend, tsk." I roll my eyes and cut the call before he could give me a cocky reply.

"Asshole!" I say to myself feeling a ping of jealousy bubbling in my chest.

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