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I walk out of the hotel and see Jungkook opening the car door for me.
"No need for that, just give me my luggage." I say standing by the car.
"Ma'am I can drop you where ever you would want me to." He says looking at me.
"I said no need, I myself don't know where I am going." I say holding my tears.

"Ma'am can I ask you something?"
"Are sir and you over? I mean, um I know shouldn't be asking about any of this but you seem really upset."
"Yeah I am done with him."
"Do you want to go to your home then?"
"I... I no longer have a home."
"Um you.. you can stay in my house if you want until you find a place to stay."
"Are you sure? I don't want you to.... why? Why are you helping me? What do you want in return?"
"Um ma'am you're very kind and I'm fond of you. And not everyone wants something in return you know."

I stare at him and slowly sit in the car as he opens it for me. He gets in too and starts driving. I keep looking at the back of his head not understanding why Jungkook is helping me? All of a sudden, it feels like not everyone is as mean as Park Jimin.


Jungkook stops the car in front of a small house. He steps out of the car and holds the car door open for me. I step outside and look at the neighbourhood.
"Come ma'am." He takes my luggage and walks ahead of me.
I follow him and walk in the house as he gets in.
"This is my house, there's only one bedroom so ma'am you take my bedroom and Suki and I will stay in the living room." He picks up the small dog which was circling around his leg.
"It's cute." I say looking at the dog.
"Yeah she's Suki, she's a great companion." He says kissing the dog.
I smile and slowly sit on the couch holding my head.
"Do you have a headache?" He puts the dog down.
"No um.. yeah a little bit."
"Okay you sit here I will be back." He walks away.
I lean on the couch completely holding my head as my eyes water up. I let them fall closing my eyes. Every one of his word echos in my head leaving a bitter feeling in my heart.
"Ma'am um here.... oh I'm sorry I..." Jungkook says looking at me.
I look up at him and wipe my tears.
"No why are you sorry? Don't be sorry, you didn't do anything wrong." I take the tea cup from him that he was holding.
"I will get you some medicine you have the tea." He walks away again and gets in the bedroom.
I slowly sip on the tea and pat the dog who is staring at me sitting beside me.
"Hi Suki, you're so cute." I scratch her ears.
She sticks her tongue out and licks my hand.
I chuckle softly as she sits on my lap.
"Here ma'am have this your headache will go away." Jungkook hands me a pill.
"Jungkook you don't have to call me ma'am you and I are no different." I swallow the medicine with the water he handed me.
"Okay Y/n." He says scratching the back of his neck.

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