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"Don't yell at me!" I yell back at him.
"I fucking will! I told you to help me! And you didn't help, instead you fucking ruin every chance I had with her! You dumb bitch!" He punches the wall beside my head.
I get startled by his sudden outburst. My breathing becomes heavier and my eyes starts watering.
"Jungkook you're getting way out of the line." I say in a shaky tone.
"Out of the line? You know what a line is? Oh my god!! I'm surprised that you have a line. I thought you were one of those girls who open their legs for whoever pays them!!" He groans looking at me.
I stare at him as tears roll down my eyes. It hurts, it hurts more than I realise it would. Coming from Jungkook's mouth it sounds different, it hurts more when he says it.
"I will leave don't worry, I won't come in your way anymore." I say in a cracked up voice and start walking past him.

He grabs me by my arm and yanks me back, making me hit my back on the wall. I groan holding my arms.
"You will leave, after ruining my life you will leave? Where? To go on the streets to get fucked? He spats his poisonous words at me.
"It hurts Jungkook, it hurts when you say it. Don't please I beg you don't hurt me like this." I look up at him crying harder than before not being able to control myself anymore.
"You are ruining me! You get that you fucking are! Ever since you came in my life all you did was ruin my life!" He grabs my face harshly making me look at him.
"Are you going to hit me?" I ask mentally preparing myself for a hit.
His eyes change, they become softer, the grip that he had on my face softens as well.
"Look what you did to yourself, you're asking me if I will hit you or not. What have you done to yourself? You made yourself so weak! I hate seeing you this way! Fuck! I just feel like taking you in my arms and protect you from everything." He sighs taking a deep breathe, slowly letting me go.
"Then why don't you? Hold me like you hold her, treat me like you treat her. I'm tired of chasing people, begging people to love me. Why can't you just love me?!" I ask getting frustrated of my life.
"I will, I fucking will." He pulls me in his arms.
You hold him back tightly, rubbing my face on his chest I let out loud cries.
"Calm down now, I'm sorry." He says patting my back.
"You're so mean to me." I say sniffing my blocked nose.
"No I'm not." He says letting my go and wipes both my cheeks with his thumbs.
"You are always mean to me." I say hitting his chest.
"You look cute when you cry." He smiles patting my head.
"I know." I pout looking at him hiccuping.
"Cute and sexy is a very deadly combination you know that." He says chuckling.
"Don't make fun of me." I say walking in the bedroom.

I start taking off my wet clothes as they were making me really uncomfortable.
"Do you want te..... oh I'm sorry." Jungkook says standing by the door staring at me.
I look back and quickly hold the T-shirt against my bare body.
"Go nah Jungkook why are you standing here?" I whine and move around uncomfortably as the T-shirt if hardly covering me.
Jungkook starts walking to me instead of walking out. I gulp nervously starting to put on the T-shirt. He grabs the tee and takes it off me completely and pushes me down on the bed. I lay there all exposed looking up at him.
He stares down at me with cloudy eyes, as he unbuttons his wet white shirt. I unwillingly bite my lips staring at his perfect body. How can someone be this perfect?

He hovers on top of me and rests both his palms on each side of my head.
"I wish you never got involved with Jimin." He says leaning to me.
"I wish too." I say and gasp feeling his warm, soft lips touch mine.

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