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Jungkook kissed my lips making every hair on my body stand. The way his lips moved with mine just made me lose my mind. His hands starts roaming around my naked body. A shiver runs down my spine as I feel his fingertips graze my erected right nipple. My hands go up to the back of his head and I tug his hair moaning, letting his warm tongue get in my mouth. His tongue is roughly fighting with mine, making me lose against him. His tongue explores every inch of my mouth, soon both our tongues dance with each other in perfect sync. I put my hand on his chest and feel his rock hard body. He slowly nibbles on my lower lip, taking it in between his teeth. I moan at the sensation, it feels new and it feels good. I start taking off his wet shirt and throw it on the floor. Jungkook leaves my mouth and kisses the corner of it and goes down sucking and occasionally biting on my jaw and neck.
"Oh god!" I moan feeling his tongue roll circles on the nape of my neck. Fuck he didn't touch me ever yet somehow he knows what my weaknesses are. He keeps sucking and nibbling on my skin making pretty red marks bloom all over it, marks that shows I'm his. He come down and buries his face in between my breasts, taking both of them in his palms and give them a hard squeeze, making me scream out in pleasure. He attaches his mouth to my left nipple, he sucks on it while squeezing and pinching my right nipple. Making all the pleasure go straight to my core. Jungkook takes my nipple in between his teeth and puts the right about of pressure to bite them, making me throw my head back on the pillow while pulling his hair harshly.

"Jungkook it's too much pleasure." I moan loudly rubbing my thighs together to create some friction on my already wet core.
"I just got started baby." He says letting my nipple go making a loud pop.
I hiss biting my lips as his cold finger tips linger over my clit.
"Please I need you." I moan looking down at him.
He smirks kissing my belly button and sinks his tongue in it.
"Uhh! Fuck!!" This is new, no one ever did that to me, and I didn't know his tongue in my belly button could make me feel that good.
He rubs his long index finger on my clit and slowly enters two of his fingers in me. I arch my back, squeezing my eyes shut. His fingers easily slides in and out of me because of my wetness. He stares up at me while finger fucking my entrance, making me beg and squirm underneath him.
"Look at me while I make you cum with just my fingers you little slut." He groans through gritted teeth moving his fingers faster in me while rubbing circles on my clit with his thumb.
I look at him moaning his name, feeling the familiar knot build up in the pit of my stomach.
"Kookie please I want to feel your cock when I cum." I say breathlessly staring in his eyes.
"Patience baby." He comes up and connects our lips while thrusting his fingers in me with a very fast pace. Making me jolt up and scream in his mouth. My vision goes white as I release all my juices around his fingers. He pulls his fingers out of me and holds them in front of my mouth.
"Suck baby." He smirks looking at me.
I hold his wrist with both my shaky hands and take his fingers in my mouth and start sucking on them.
He bites his lips watching me, while grinding his hard bulge on my swelled, abused clit. I moan against his fingers and bite on their tips .
"Damn you look so hot." He says through his gritted teeth.
I let go of his fingers after sucking them clean and start to unbuckle his belt. He watches me the entire time with amusement. Once I was done I push him down on my side and get on top of him. I straddle on his crotch and moan feeling his hard cock poke at my entrance. I look down and gulp seeing his long, thick cock ready to be ridden.
"Come on baby he's waiting for you pussy." He moans as I grip the shaft of cock and make his tip rub against my entrance, letting all my juices slide down his cock. I squeeze his tip spreading his precum all over him along with my juices. Jungkook has his head thrown back, while his teeth harshly gnaw at his bottom lip. I moan and slowly slide his cock in me. It stretches me out due to his thickness.

"Fuck you're so big." I moan out resting my palms on his chest while slowly rolling my hips, trying to adjust to his size.
"Damn you're tight." He slaps my right ass cheek making it burn under his touch.
"Oh Jungkook!" I moan and start to move up and down biting my lips.
Jungkook puts both his hands on my waist helping me move up and down on him. I throw my head back as I ride his cock. He stares at me the entire time making me move my hips up and down at a faster pace than before.
"You don't even have any idea how long I waited for you." He groans making his cock go deeper in me.
I scream out as it grazes my g-spot.
"Yeah right there." I say as my body starts shaking in pleasure.
He holds me up pulling his cock out of me completely and then slams me back down hitting my g-stop harder than before.
"Oh! Fuck it feels so good." I scream in pleasure.
"All the time I saw you at the back of the car, sitting all dolled up to be bruised and abused by that motherfucker, it killed me. It killed me when I realised you weren't mine to have, mine to love. It hurt me." He groans making me move faster and harder.
I look down at him smiling as a tear rolls down my right eye.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I hurt you. But now I'm yours, I'm yours to love and yours to keep." I say leaning down making our lips touch.
Jungkook flips us both and gets on top of me. He slowly thrusts in while kissing me back. I wrap my arms around him while smiling against his lips. For the first time someone is making love to me. And I'm glad it's him. I'm glad it's Jungkook.

Soon we both reach our highs and chase down our climax. Jungkook fills me up to the brim, with all his juices. I moan feeling the juices drip down me. He falls beside me breathing heavily. I turn to face him and feel a blush creep on my cheeks seeing him all hot and sweaty.
"I will never let you go." He wraps his arms around me pulling me close to his chest.
I smile against his chest and mumble an 'I love you' to him without even realising, before drifting off to sleep.

Nobody's POV

Jungkook widens his eyes in shock and stares at her sleeping body. Soon an idiotic grin gets plastered on his face and he slowly closes his eyes holding her closer to his chest.
"I love you too." He says and softly kisses her forehead before slipping into slumber.
A smile appears on Y/n's face as she sleeps safely in the arms of her beloved Jungkook.

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