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After having the brownies with him I walk in the bedroom and go through my side of the closet. I pull out the dresses at the back. Every one of them was given by Jimin. Not even one of them were bought by me. I stare at them, each of them has a different pain connected to them. In one I gotten verbally abused by him, in one I got fucked by him to the point I had to beg him to stop.

"What having a hard time in choosing the right one?" Yoongi asks pulling me out of my melancholic thoughts.
"Um you choose one for me." I say stepping aside to give him space.
He walks towards my side and goes through the dresses and picks one up.

He walks towards my side and goes through the dresses and picks one up

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"Wear this." He says holding up a mini dress Jimin gave me for my birthday. I feel a lump in my throat remembering how he publicly humiliated me that dress as a part of my punishment because I tried to hold his hand in public.
"O—okay." I say and take the dress and walk in the bathroom to get ready.


We walk in his office building and head to the cafeteria. We stand in a corner after taking drinks from the waiter.
"You wait here I'll be back." He says and walks towards a group of men dressed in suits.
I guess they are his colleagues. I sip on the drink looking around when I feel a tap on my shoulder.
"Y/n this is my boss." Yoongi says to me as I turn around and come face to Jimin. He's staring at me with an expressionless face.
"Mr. Park this is my fiancé Y/n." Yoongi says looking at him.
He just nods his head and looks at some other direction sipping his go to drink.
"Excuse me I'll be back." I excuse myself and hurry my way to the restroom. Jimin is his boss?! How? Why? I can't with this. How will he react now that he knows.

I walk in the restroom and go to close the door when I feel a hard push. I almost fall back when I see Jimin walk and lock the door. I gain my balance and walk backwards.
"Who gave you the right to get engaged hmm?" He says unbuttoning his suit.
"Jimin you you no longer..." A harsh slap lands on my right cheek before I could even finish.
I back away choking in my own tears leaning on the wall looking down at the floor. Why does he treat me so badly? What have I ever done to him.
"Did I give you the permission to get engaged? Did you even ask me? Huh? You're wearing the clothes I gave you, you're spending the money I put in your account and you have the audacity to get engaged without asking me wow!" He chuckles bitterly.

I look at him as his words pinch my heart. I don't know what to say to him.
"Did you get fucked by him huh!" He gets closer gritting his teeth.
I look down and cry out loud.
"You're a bad person." That's all comes out of my mouth.
"Honey tell me something new." He says and grabs my dress.
"I can't really believe the fact that you wore the dress I gave you for my pleasure to fuck you in it, god you're so cheap." He spats letting go of me.
"Does he know what you were?" He asks moving away from me.
I keep looking down as tears fall from my eyes non stop.
"Well I'll make sure that he knows about what your past was." He says and walks out of the restroom.
I kept my gaze down at the floor not being able to look up anymore. After a while I wipe my face and walk out.
"You okay." Yoongi asks as I walk to him.
"I need to go home." I say not looking at him.
"Okay." He says and ushers me out.

After we reach home Yoongi says nothing to me just stares at me as if he wants to ask me something.
"Y/n are you hiding something from me." That's all he asks after a long pause.

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