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I took a cab to Yoongi's apartment. I don't know what he is going to say. This is it, I need to face it no matter what. I pay the cab driver and get in the building apartment. I get in the apartment using the key I have.
"Yoongi?" I call out to him looking around.
He comes out from the kitchen with a beer bottle in his hand. I look at him and slowly sit down on the couch.
"So, is that it? You want to leave this relationship?" He says sipping his beer.
I stay silent not knowing what his reaction would be.
"Come on say it I saw how he was kissing you man, he must really mean something to you." He says and chuckles.

"Yoongi I'm sorry I... I love him please try to understand he he is giving me a chance to be with him and I don't want to let that chance go in vain." I say looking at him.
"Sure sure why would I care please leave my house I don't care where you go it's not like we were married or something." He says and walks to his bedroom.
I watch him walk away and slowly follow him in the bedroom and starts packing up my things. Yoongi keeps sitting on the bed silently staring ahead. I complete my packing and walk to him.
"Um Yoongi I..." I get cut off as he stands up and walks past me.
I look back at him and slowly follow him and put the house key I had on the dining table and walk out of the apartment.

As I get out of the building I see Jungkook standing by the car he usually used to bring to get me. I make my way to him.
"Hello ma'am." He says and takes my luggage from me and opens the car door.
I sit in and lean on the seat staring at the apartment building. Jungkook comes in after a while and starts driving.
"Where are we going?" I ask him.
"To the hotel." He says keeping his eye on the road.

He said this time would be different, he is still taking me in the hotel like before. Or did he say this time would be different. He never said that, he just..... I don't know what I am doing at this point. I just want him to love me and accept me in front of the world but I guess it's too much to ask for.

After a while

I slowly knock on the usual room and walk in. Jimin looks up at me from his phone and smirks.
"Welcome babygirl." He says putting his phone away.
"You said you will not treat me like this anymore." I say standing in my spot not being able to walk to him.
"I don't think I ever said that babygirl." He stands up and starts walking to me.
"Than why am I here Jimin I don't want to be your slut anymore, whom you can take to a hotel once in a while and fuck." I look him in the eyes as my tears threatens to spill.
"But you're my slut and that will never change babygirl we both know that. You're only good for a quick fuck once in a while not for baring my children or loving for that instance." He says standing in front of me.
I stare at him as my tears fall.
"Why do you always treat me like that. I really loved you Jimin, but I guess you could never see past the fact that I whored myself to you to get some money so that I could live." I smile wiping my tears.
"I'm sorry I fell in love with someone who's far more superior, at the end of the money does speak." I chuckle and wipe my eyes to stop my tears.
"You need me, don't be foolish you need my money and you need my cock you slut." He smirks.
"No I don't, not anymore, not after what you put me through over and over again." I say and open the door and walk out of the room.

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