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A month passed away since Jungkook and I have been together. He treats me so good, I have never been this happy in my life. He makes me happy, takes care of me. Loves me truthfully, above of all respects me. Despite of my past, he respects me. Which makes me fall in love with him even more.

But it's been hard lately seeing Jungkook struggle to find a good job that would help him run both of our expenses smoothly. I see him everyday come back home exhausted, tired of fighting for us alone. It's all my fault, I know, because wherever he goes for a job interview. As soon as they find out he used to work for Park Jimin, they decline him. No matter how perfect he is for that job it doesn't matter. This is Park Jimin's way of getting back at us. Showing us his power, showing us what he can do to us. I hate to see him fail like this, I don't want him to face all of this for me. He did so much for me, and this is how I effect him.

Jungkook comes back home from his part time waitering job. I run to him and pull him in my arms. He hides his face in the crook of my neck and smiles.
"Did you miss me?" He breathes in my scent that he loves.
"I always do when you're not around." I say and hold him tighter.
"I went to the other interview as well after work." He sighs breaking the hug.
"And?" I ask hoping, hoping that this time he would get the job.
"They rejected me." He looks around to avoid eye contact with me.
I look down.
"I'm sorry." I say trying not to cry.
"Baby please don't be sorry." He cups my face making me look at him.
"You don't have to be sorry it's not your fault at all okay." He says smiling.
But I can see it, the pain he's hiding behind his smile. For me he's failing to send money to his mother. They all depend on Jungkook, and now I'm added to his list of responsibilities as well. And he's failing to fulfil them, because of me.

Next day

I couldn't sleep all night, thinking what I can do to help him. I need to help him, ever since I came into his life, all I did was ruin things for him. For once I have to fix it for him. He needs my help, I know he won't ask for it but I have to help him. Jungkook goes off to his waitering job leaving me to think of ways to help him. I should find a job too, but I didn't complete my graduation I won't get a well paid job.
I take a deep breathe and take my phone in my hand. I go to contacts and find his name. I should tell him to leave us alone, I don't see any other way. I dial Park Jimin's number, he picks up after 3 rings.

"Well well look who called." I could hear him smirk through the phone.
"Jimin leave us alone! I'm telling you stop trying to ruin our lives." I yell into the phone.
"Shhh! Calm down babygirl, or else I will take the waitering job that your lover is doing." He chuckles.
"Please I beg you I can't see him like this, he has responsibilities. He has people who depend on him please leave him alone." I beg in a shaky tone.
"You know I love it when you beg." He hisses.
"What do you want?!" I groan in frustration.
"I want you." He chuckles.
"I want that tiny pussy of yours, I want you back!" He says in a stern voice.
I close my eyes hearing his disgusting words. I look up at the ceiling and take a deep breathe in.
"Will you leave him alone if I come to you?" I ask.
"Yes I will." He says.
"Are you sure?" I ask not believing him.
"Come to room 1408 with in 1 hour and you will find out on your own whether I'm sure or not." He chuckles.
"Okay." I end the call letting my tears fall.

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