The End.

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I stand up and start walking out of the apartment.
"Where are you going?" Jungkook asks following me.
"I'm leaving, I'm going forever Jungkook I won't come to you anymore." I say walking to the door.
He grabs my hand from behind and yanks me to him.
"No please don't leave me Y/n, don't do this." He pleads looking down.
"Why not Jungkook? You couldn't trust me once, I went to Jimin so that he would let you have a nice job that you deserve. He wanted to fuck me and I agreed but when he laid me down and started touching my body I couldn't take it. I kicked him and ran out of that damn hotel room!" I yell not being about to control anymore.
He takes both my hand in his and slowly looks up at me.
"Don't go please, don't leave me. I believed you, you believe me or not I did. I was just angry and upset more so at myself because of me you had to go back to him, to sell your body to keep me up on my feet. I felt helpless and weak, I took my failure out on you I'm sorry." He says as his eyes glistens with tear.
"Can you look at me like you used you do?" I bring my hands to cheeks and slowly caress them.
"I can, I'm so sorry for everything I did to you please Y/n, don't break us apart for my stupid and wreck less behaviour." He holds my hands with which I was caressing his face and kisses them.
I smile as a tear rolls down my cheek.
"I won't go, I will never go." I cry out and hug him.
He hugs me back tighter making our body mesh into one.
"I love you, I love you so much." He says hiding his face in the crook of my neck.
"I love you too." I hold him back smiling.

"Can you two leave already!" Suga says rolling his eyes.
I chuckle seeing him and slowly let go of Jungkook.
Jungkook bows to Suga.
"Thank you for everything you did for us." Jungkook says bowing once more.
"Yeah yeah you better take care of Y/n, the girl is precious." He says looking at me.
"I will." He smiles holding me and starts to walk out of the apartment.
I smile looking back at him.
"Call me if you need anything." Suga says walking to the door.
"I will Oppa you take care okay." I say and walk out with Jungkook to begin a fresh life, with a fresh start.

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