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Few days past by, Jungkook has been completely ignoring my existence. As if I'm invisible, he doesn't even acknowledge me. I tried to talk to him, to touch him, to feel him. But it seems like me doing that only makes him more angry. My life is testing me, and I'm failing at every step. I guess, love wasn't made for me after all.

"You slut! Where are you?" Jungkook yells stumbling on his way inside the house as he's drunk as usual.
I slowly walk out of the kitchen and walk to him. He holds my arms harshly and pulls me to him. I stare at him feeling my eyes tear up. It's been an everyday thing now, Jungkook comes home from work every night and then treats me like the way I deserve to be treated.
"Didn't you go to fuck today? I mean Jimin must be waiting after all he did do you the favour of giving me a job didn't he hmm?!" He chuckles grabbing my hair pulling me to the bedroom.
I close my eyes letting my tears fall, a muffled groan comes out of my mouth as he throws me on the bed. I slowly get on my fours and crawl away from Jungkook. He grabs my ankle and drags me to him.
"Please Jungkook I'm sore from yesterday night!" I scream trying to push him off me.
Jungkook groans sitting on my lower belly and holds me in place so that I can't move.
"Why when I fuck you like this why do you resist?! Huh?! I know what type of stuff Jimin did to you!" He yells slapping me across my face.
I close my eyes crying not being able to cope up with the mental and physical pain anymore.
"Jungkook please believe me! I didn't do anything with Jimin please! I love you so much it's hurts really bad when you treat me like this." I choke out in my own tears looking at him.
His eyes changes and he slowly lets me go and falls on my side groaning on the bed and closes his eyes. I stare at him and slowly stand up and walk in the bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror reflection and cry.
"I don't know what to do anymore." I say to myself.

Few days later.

"Y/n he's here come by quickly."
"Okay I will be there."

I hang up the call and fast walk to Jungkook and hold him by his arm to stop him from heading out.
"Jungkook I need you to come with me some where." I say holding onto him tightly.
"Let go of me, I'm not in the mood for your bullshit." He growls at me.
"Please I beg you come with me." I beg him looking down.
He yanks his hand away from me and walks ahead of me. I let my tears fall not knowing that he won't come with me.
"Why are you standing there? Didn't you say you need me to come with you?" He says standing by the main entrance of the apartment.
A small smile appears on my face and run to him and put my shoes on.

Time Skip

"Where is this place?" Jungkook asks looking at me.
I say nothing and ring the door bell and wait for the gate to open.
"Come Y/n." Yoongi Oppa says opening the door and stepping aside for us to get in.
Jungkook looks at me and slowly walks in. I follow him in and stop seeing him stop in his tracks.
"What the hell is this?!" Jungkook looks at both of us knitting his eyebrows.
"Mhmmmmm!!!! Open me!!" Jimin mumbles through his taped mouth.
I walk to Jimin and pull the duct tape off his mouth.
"Owww! Woman why am I here?!" He groans looking at me.
"Tell Jungkook what went down that when you called me to room 1408" I yell at him.
"She came and I fucked her!!" Jimin smirks looking at Jungkook.
"Oppa give me that." I say looking at Yoongi Oppa who hands me a thick stick.
Without any hesitation I hit Jimin on his back hard.
"Ahhhhhh!! Fuck you! You slut!!" He groans pulling on the rope, that has his hand tied to the back of the chair.
"Tell him the truth!" I shout at him.
"Okay okay stop I'm telling him everything." He looks at Jungkook.
"She came to the room because she wanted me to let you have a nice job that you weren't getting cause I wasn't letting it happen. But I had other intentions, I wanted to fuck her. But this bitch kicked me in the dick and ran away when I was about to fuck her." He rolls his eyes.
I drop the stick from my hand and slowly look at Jungkook. Jungkook has a blank expression on his face as he stares at me.
"Oppa let him go." I say looking at Yoongi.
He nods and walks to Jimin and opens him up.
Jimin stands up and fixes his suit.
"Min you're fired! ." Jimin yells and walks to the main entrance of the apartment and walks out.
"I don't want your shitty job anyways." Yoongi yells back chuckling.

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