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I look up at him and slowly stand up, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do. I've only known this ever since Jimin freed me from my father's abuse. He kept me as his and now he's just going to throw me away. But I thought he owned me then why is throwing me away.
"You don't know me from now onwards and I don't know you." He says in stern voice.
I feel tears well up in my eyes, I don't want him to leave me.
"That apartment is yours, you will go to your university and complete your studies, you will get your monthly expenses every month in your bank account. But from now you won't acknowledge me anymore or mention about me to anyone." He adds.

"What's my mistake that you're throwing me away?" I ask gathering all the courage I have.
"Cause you're of no use to me anymore and I lost all interest I had on you." He says casually.
"Oh." I smile through the pain and feel my tears roll down my cheeks.
He walks past me closing the door behind. I feel my whole body go numb. So I don't get to see him anymore? I don't get to be with him anymore? I don't get to feel his touch anymore? Is this what he's trying to say? I wear the bathrobe and walk out and see him sitting on the bed wearing his shoes. I walk up to him and get on my knees in front of him.

"Don't do this please, I will never force you to say back with me please don't punish me like this." I beg to him.
"Don't you get it! I don't want you anymore! I'm done fucking you, and anyways I'm getting married I found the right girl." He says and stands up.
I look at the floor and sit down completely on it as my tears fall non stop.
"Why can't you marry me?" I said those words and I regretted it instantly.
He looks back at me with an amused look.
"Marry you?" He chuckles.

Jimin walks to me and grabs a hold of my hair and makes me look at him.
"All this time you thought somehow you will win over my heart and I'll marry you? Really?" He asks and starts laughing.
I stare up at him, it feels like someone is stabbing me with a knife right in my heart.
"I bought you from your father, I saved you. Be thankful I don't treat you like a slave. Be thankful that I'm providing you shelter, good education and what not. You don't match my status honey, and you dream of marrying me?" He asks arching an eyebrow at me.

I stay silent throughout entire time as his venomous words pierce my heart.
"I love you." That is all comes out of my mouth as I choke on air.
He lets my hair go harshly and walks out of the room.
I lay on the floor and stare at the door crying out loud.

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