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"Where is she?"
"Sir she's in the bedroom."
"Is she sleeping?"
"Yes sir."
I hear footsteps and voices in my sleep. I keep my eyes closed not wanting to open my eyes. Who are they? What are they talking about? I slowly open my eyes and look around the room. I'm in Jungkook's bedroom, I remember switching off the light before going to bed. It's still off, I slowly sit up and walk to the door and open it. As I peek out I see Jimin sitting on the couch. Why is he here now? I slowly walk out of the room and make my way to him.
"Why are you here?" I look at him folding my arms on my chest.
"Why are you here? The last time I remember this is my driver's house not yours." He cocks his eyebrow at me.
"He told me I can stay here until I find a place of my own." I answer him.
"You can't stay here, Jungkook doesn't want you to." He runs his fingers through his hair looking away.
I look at the way he's looking and see Jungkook standing there.
"Do you want me to leave? If you wanted so you could have just told me that yourself Jungkook, you didn't need to call Jimin. It's not like I wouldn't go if you yourself told me." I chuckle at how ridiculous life have been to me lately.
"I'm sorry Y/n.... I.." He gets cut off as Jimin starts chuckling.
"When did you start her calling by her name? Did you two perhaps start fucking as well?" Jimin laughs hysterically.
I keep staring at Jimin and suddenly walk to him and slap him hard across his face.
"ENOUGH! You have no right to treat me this way anymore!! None at all." I yell.
Jimin glares at me and stands up and holds onto my hair and pulls me with him. I slap his hand trying to get free from his grip but he only tightens his grip on my hair with every try.
"Sir please stop, please sir don't hurt her sir please." I hear Jungkook saying as he follows us out.
Jimin unlocks his car and opens the door and throws me in and slams the door shut. He locks the car before I could open it and walks to the driver's seat and gets in and starts driving.
"Stop the car!! I said stop!! Don't you fucking dare Park Jimin!!" I scream letting my tears fall.
"Shut the fuck up you whore!! I will show you what you deserve!!" He groans hitting the steering wheel.

Time Skip

Jimin stops the car in front of a huge building. The guards open the car door for him. He nods at them and walk to my side and opens the car door and pulls me out and walks holding me by my arm.
"Let go!! You're hurting me!" I yell pulling on his hand.
"Shut the fuck up woman or else you know how I can make you shut your mouth." He pushes me in through a huge entrance making me fall on the floor. I groan and look up and see that we are in someone's living room.
"Why am I here?"
I ask standing up.
He says nothing and starts walking up the stairs. I follow him up rubbing my elbow.
"Jimin you're fucking with my head now! Stop doing that and just let me go!!" I yell again.
He turns to me and slaps me hard clenching his jaw.
"You wanted more right! Here's more, here's fucking more. This is my house, you always wanted to come and stay here right?! Go ahead and stay here then."He yells.
"I wanted your love not your hate!" I yell as well.
"I know you do!" He groans and pushes me against a wall and pins my hands above my head.
"I know you want it all." He whispers and kisses me hard.

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