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Time went by, I kept laying on the couch with Suki sleeping in my arms, thinking about Jungkook and his so called girlfriend. I mean why do I care so much he can do whatever the fuck he wants. I don't care, I don't care at all huh.

At night

I look at the door as it opens, revealing Jungkook walking in with a wide smile plastered on his face. And behind him follows a beautiful looking girl. The girl was flirty with him, she was touching him once in a while giggling. I mean a total fake girl, her smile makes me roll my eyes.

"Y/n this is Lalisa my friend and Lalisa this is Y/n, my umm cousin haha." Jungkook introduces us.
I nod and look away at the tv. I already don't like him with her. They come and sit on the large double sofa next to my single couch, where I am sitting. Jungkook passes me one of the pizza boxes and keeps one for themselves. He goes to Netflix and plays a horror movie. I mean we all know why he did that. I roll my eyes and start stuffing my mouth with pizza. Lalisa cuddles with him, from my side it seems like she's sitting on his lap. What is she waiting for, why doesn't she just get inside him. Jungkook wraps his arms around her holding her securely, as if someone will come and snatch her away from there. I scoff looking away from them, I need to get out of here too much PDA. Suki gets me, she looks at me and then looks at them. She whines softly and rests her tiny head on my lap. I pat her head sighing.
"At least I have you." I whisper giving her a kiss on the head.

After while I hear smacking noises, as I turn my head to my side I see Jungkook and her kissing. Isn't that just great, I feel all my emotions inside me at once. Immediately getting up I head to the kitchen acting like I need something. I take the kettle and put it on the stove to heat up some water. As I stare at the kettle I feel wetness around my right eye. I touch it and feel my tears, I'm crying. Why am I crying? I don't have any reason to cry. Maybe, it's just that I wanted a man who would treat me the way he's treating her right now. I have never been in a relationship where you watch movies together, hold hands and other romantic stuff. Maybe I'm just upset because of it.

"Y/n? Would you mind if you sleep on the couch tonight." I hear Jungkook say.
I look away wiping my eyes and turn to him.
"No it won't be a problem." I say not making eye contact with him.
I get it, he can't never love me. I know I'm a slut for him, it's not his fault, cause I am one. I can't put that blame on him.
"Hey don't mind okay, I just like her a lot and we are hitting if off pretty well. So, we might you know get more intimate so that's why I'm just.." I don't let him finish.
"I know I get it you don't need to explain me anything Jungkook, you don't owe me anything." I smile and turn the shove off.
I feel more emotions come up on me, I can't take this anymore. I walk straight to the main entrance and walk out of the house. Why am I so stupid? Why do I let my feelings always hurt me?! I feel frustrated. I stand on the porch and stare as the rain falls. It's raining, I didn't even realise it was. I step in the rain and let the raindrops fall on me. The drops slide down my face mixing in with my tears. I smile feeling lighter than before. Perhaps love isn't made for someone like me. 

"Why are you crying Y/n?" I hear Jimin's voice from behind me.
I look back and walk to him, he holds his umbrella over my head and pulls me close to him making one of his arms wrap around my waist. And takes my face in his other hand.

 "I thought you would be happy with Jungkook then why are you crying?" He asks looking into my eyes

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"I thought you would be happy with Jungkook then why are you crying?" He asks looking into my eyes.
"Cause I will never be loved." I say sobbing.
"And why is that?" He asks whispering in my ears.
"Because no one sees me for myself, everyone just sees past me." I choke in my own tears.
He pulls me in his warm embrace. I hide my face on his chest and cry out loud.
"Love will come to you." He whispers.

"Y/n who are you talking to?" I break off from my trance and look back and see Jungkook standing behind me

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"Y/n who are you talking to?" I break off from my trance and look back and see Jungkook standing behind me.
I look ahead and see there's no one, what the hell?! Am I going crazy now.
He walks in ahead of me, I follow him in the house.
"You happy now? She's gone." He says in a stern voice.
"Why is she gone? And why would I be happy?" I say taking off my wet top revealing my black tank top underneath it.
"I saw how you were acting the entire time so did she. She understood that you're not my cousin. I asked one thing from you and you fucked it up for me! What's you problem?!" He yells at me.

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