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He pushes me further into the wall still keeping our mouths connected. He lets my hand go and puts both his hands under my butt and hikes me up from the floor. I wrap my legs around his waist and hold onto his shoulders kissing him back.
"You are so stubborn." He says in between the kiss.
"And you're so mean!" I groan against his mouth as he squeezes my butt hard.
"You talk too much now a days." He bites on my lower lip and pulls on it taking it in between his teeth. I moan and pull the hair on the back of his head. He starts walking and kicks a huge wooden double door and takes me in. I look at the room, it seems like it's a bedroom. He stops in front of the bed, he disconnects his lips from my neck and throws me down on the bed. I get on my elbows breathing heavily.
"Fuck I can't function without you properly!" He groans getting on top of me.
"Lies, all you do is lie to me." I whisper wrapping her legs around his waist.
"You know it's not a lie." He starts nibbling and biting on my neck.
"Fuck Jimin!" I moan out loud, tugging fists full of his hair causing him to groan.
"Take control of me." He says against the skin of my neck.
I look up at him, a small smile appears on his face. I hold his face in my palms and kiss him, moulding our lips together. Jimin follows my lead, he kisses me back. I slowly take off his shirt and toss it aside, by tugging on his jean's button I indicate him to open them up. He pulls away from the kiss and sits on his knees in front me. While he undoes his pants I remove my article clothing. He stares down at me his hazy gaze making me feel conscious about my body. I don't know but there is something about his gaze that makes me feel intimidated. And the worst thing is that he knows the amount of power he posses on me.
"Come on baby tell me what's next?" He asks for my command.
I deviate my gaze back to him.
"Lay down." I say sitting up.
He does as I say, and completely lays down on the bed. I get in between his legs and look up at him. He's perfect muscular body, all laid out for me to have, and for me to keep. I caresses his torso, feeling his rock hard abs. He stares at every movement I make. I touch his hardened cock that's standing tall against his abdomen. A hiss slips from his lips, he bites his plump lower lip causing it to turn red. I bite my lip feeling him quiver under my touch. Something that he never let me feel. Slowly leaning down I take his cock in my mouth. Taking the whole length in my mouth, I start bobbing my head back and forth making moans slip out of his lips. I bring my hands to his cock and grab the shaft. I pump it while sucking it hard.
"Fuck I love your mouth!" He groans throwing his head back on the pillow.

Soon I feel him twitch in my mouth. I pull my mouth away completely.
"What the hell Y/n!" He groans looking at me annoyed.
I smirk straddling on his crotch making his cock enter me.
"Fuck!" I moan out slowly moving my hip up and down.
He grabs a hold of my waist tightly squeezing it. I hiss moving myself up and down fast.He moans closing his eyes making me ride him. I stare down at him moaning his name. He opens his eyes and stares at me.
"Y/n" He moans bringing his hand up to my cheek.
I lean down completely and kiss him softly moving my hips in a slower pace.
"I love you." I whisper against his lips.
He flips us over, making me pin on the bed. I moan looking at him as he starts pounding in me with an animalistic pace.
"Fuck! Jimin!" I scream at the top of my lungs releasing myself around him.
"Yeah babygirl!" He groans and starts cumming in me.
I moan feeling his seeds inside me. He rides off his high giving small thrusts.
"I love you too." He whispers breathlessly falling on top of me.
I smile faintly wrapping my arms around him holding him close to me trying to calm myself down.

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