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I see Jimin's text saying that I should be dressed the way I used to dress when we use to meet. I take a shower, washing up my tears, I have to do this for Jungkook. I can't ruin his life, it's not fair to him.
I get dressed like the way Jimin liked, I put on makeup the way he liked. I stare at my own reflection in the mirror. Whatever I'm doing is for Jungkook and his family. He needs my help, more like I need to fix what I ruined at the first place. I wear a long trench coat on top and walk out of the house patting Suki's head.

Time Skip

As I walk in room 1408, the first thing I see is Park Jimin. Sitting like a king on the couch as if it is his throne. Our eyes meet and a smirk appears on his face. I look at the floor remembering all the ways he used to torture and humiliate me. He keeps his gaze on my body and fixes his suit and straightens his posture.

I walk in front of him and slowly get down on my knees, keeping my gaze at his feet

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I walk in front of him and slowly get down on my knees, keeping my gaze at his feet.
"So my babygirl didn't forget how to behave around daddy did she?" He chuckles and grabs a hold of my chin harshly and makes me look at him. I still keep my eyes down not having enough courage to look him in the eyes .
"Look at me, look me in the eyes like you did the last time we saw each other. Where did that fierce voice of yours go?" He asks putting more pressure on my chin with his fingers.
I hiss and slowly look at him with teary eyes.
"Please leave us alone, Jungkook is struggling a lot please. He has a lot of responsibilities and for me he isn't being able to fulfil them." I choke out my last words as Jimin lets my chin go and grabs me by my throat. He digs his fingers on my skin, which is probably going to leave marks.
"Leave you huh? How dare you humiliate me and go to him! How dare you?!" He yells at me face and throws me on the floor.
I fall on my knees and scrape them against the carpet pretty badly. A sob comes out of my mouth as he holds me by my hair and pulls me up.
"Be with me and let me fuck you as always and your Jungkook will be fine. But if you leave me I will make sure to make both of your lives a living hell." He groans throwing me on the bed and gets on top of me.
I lay underneath him idly, I have to do this, I have to or else he will ruin Jungkook's life. It's better to have one of our lives get ruin than both. Jimin holds the hem of my dress and pulls it up harshly.
"You let him mark you?" He says grabbing my waist putting pressure on it.
I groan closing my eyes as tears roll down my cheeks.

Few hours later

I open the apartment with the key I had and get it. Thank god I could come back before Jungkook's waitering shift was over. I take off my shoes and walk directly to our bedroom. Without waiting any longer I slide down the coat off my body. I need to change and freshen up.
"Where were you?" My breathing stops hearing Jungkook's voice from behind me.
I close my eyes not being about to turn around.

"Where were you?" He walks to me and turns me to him harshly.
He looks at me from head to toe.
"Did you go to him?" He ask letting me go.
"Jungkook listen to me please." I try to walk close to him but Jungkook gestures me with his hand to stop.
"Wow! Just wow!" He chuckles rubbing his temples with his fingers.
"What people say is true right? Old habits die hard don't they? What you weren't satisfied by me? Or you just can't go without whoring your body?" He spits out those poisonous words.
I lower my gaze at his feet not being able to look him in the eyes anymore. I'm ashamed of myself, I wish I could just disappear.
"Tell me!! I fucking put my family at risk to be with a whore like you? Huh I must be a fool aren't I?" He groans and punches the mirror in the dresser shattering it into pieces. I gasp as blood start spilling from his knuckles. Lunging to him I take his hand in mine to inspect it. Jungkook yanks his hand away from grasp and pushes me hard by my shoulders making me fall away from him. I hit my head hard on the cold floor and lay there holding my head groaning in pain.
"Don't you dare touch me with those filthy hands of yours." He yells and starts walking away from me.
I quickly sit up and crawl to him and hold his right leg to stop him.
"Please Jungkook listen to me." I cry out asking for his mercy.
"Let my leg go! I don't want this drama! Let me go!" He tries pulling his leg out of my clutch.
I tighten my grip on him and rests my head on his knees, as sobs come out of my mouth.
"It's not what you think, I went there to tell Jimin to leave us alone. He said he would leave you alone if I let him fuck me. I went there to fulfil his desires but I failed. Believe me I ran out of there as soon as he started touching me." I look up at him hoping he would believe the truth.
He chuckles and grabs me by my hair and pulls me up harshly. I cry out more not because he's physically hurting me. It's because now the man who cared for me so much is treating me like the man he saved me from.

"Did I ask you to whore yourself for me?" He asks in a stern voice tightening his grip on my hair.
My lips tremble, my eyes water more and more. I can't seem to form a word out of my mouth so I just shake my head no.
"Then why did you go tell me! Tell me Y/n!What is it? It is the fact that I can't give you the amount of money and luxury Jimin gave you or is it that you're just a whore by nature?" He lets my hair go and stares at me for an answer.
I go completely blank not being able to utter a single word out of my mouth. He doesn't say anything more and just walks straight into the living room. I stare at him as sit on the couch not looking at my way. I slowly walk in the bathroom and sit in a corner hugging my knees letting my tears fall.

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