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He unlocks his apartment door and walks in. I follow him with my luggage and look around. It is a small apartment but it somehow has a very homey feel to it.
"My home is small and it has one bedroom. You can take the bedroom and I'll manage in the couch or something." He says.
I look at him and walk in his bedroom and look at the bed. It's big enough to fit us both comfortably. I put the luggage on the bed and walk to him.
"We can fit easily, so you don't have to lay on the couch." I say to him.
He says nothing and walks in the bedroom. I look at his way and walk to kitchen and look in it. It's a small kitchen, I smile seeing the counter space and walk to the fridge and open it. The fridge is fully stocked so I take the ingredients out to make lunch.

I look back hearing him while chopping the vegetables.
"I'm just preparing for lunch." I say and smile at him.
He stares at me not saying anything and slowly walks away. I keep looking at him and see him walk out of the apartment. I sigh and start cooking.
"I'm just cooking I don't think he will mind." I say to myself and keep cooking.


It's late, I look at my phone it's 11 pm and he's still not home. I sigh and serve his food in bowls and keep them on the table.
"He can eat when he gets back." I say to myself and lay on the bed to sleep. I toss and turn yet it's difficult to sleep. Maybe because it's a new house and I'm not used to it. As I was trying to sleep I hear the main door open and close. I sit up and get off the bed and walk out only to see a tired looking Yoongi. Plopping his briefcase on the couch, he loosens his tie.
"Um dinner is at the table should I heat it up for you?" I ask.
"No need." He says coldly and walks in the bedroom.
I follow him and watch him disappear in the bathroom.
I slowly lay on the bed in one side and pull the blanket on me completely feeling a little hurt that he acted this way with me.
After a while, I feel the bed shift and a little tug on the blanket. I slowly it go a little to let him get in. As I look back over my shoulder I come face to his back.

"Goodnight." I say turning to my side.
Nothing is said from his side, he is either really quiet or shy or just doesn't like me at all to even talk to me. I sigh softly and close my eyes trying not to think about him anymore.


A month past, Suga and I became good friends. I got to know that he never disliked me or anything it's just that he is a little shy and introverted person. It takes time for him to completely open up and be completely himself around new people. I can relate to that, I myself am like him.

"Yah Y/n-ahh help me bake this." He says and plops the box brownie's packet on the counter.
I smile and walk to him and take the box and start to prepare the batter.
"You like brownies?" I ask mixing the ingredients.
"Yeah especially with ice cream." He says and sits on the counter watching what I'm doing.
I smile and put the mixture in a pan and put it in the oven.
"You don't like it?" He asks.
"Yeah I do too." I smile at him and start making tea as it's pouring outside.
"Tonight I have an office party you want to tag along?" He asks.
"Oh um yeah sure." I say and pour water in two cups and put green tea bags in them.
"Wear a dress if you have one." He says scratching the back of his neck.
"Okay." I say and smile at him while handing him his cup.

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