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"What do you mean?" I look at him.
"You and Jimin, you guys know each other?" He asks sitting down on the couch.

I stare at him not knowing what to say to him. Did Jimin tell him about us? Why is he all of sudden asking me this.
"I just felt a weird energy in between you two that's why I asked." He adds lighting a cigarette.

I stare at him as he blows the smoke in the air. He only smokes when he's thinking something. And I know exactly what he is thinking. Should I tell him? I feel ashamed of it. I don't want to tell him. What if he finds out on his own? Then what? I take a deep breathe and walk to him.

"I know him. He was my past." I say looking at him.
"What do you mean by past?" He asks putting the cigarette down on the ashtray.
"Listen I can't explain to you what he was to me but just know that he was a big part of my life and now he no longer is." I say sitting down beside him.
"Were you in a relationship with him is that it?" He asks.
"No I can't tell you please try to understand." I say looking away.
"You two fucked? An one night stand? Or what was it why can't you clearly tell me!?" He says rising his voice.
"Even if we fucked that's none of your business!" I snap at him.
"None if my business?! You're my fucking fiancé what do you mean by saying none of my business, it's my fucking business!" He yells.
"Don't yell at me!" I say and start walking in the bedroom.

He pulls me back by my arms and pins be to the wall.
"I will yell at you until you tell me the truth cause I have the right to know!!" He shouts at my face.
I close my eyes and feel my tears rolling down my face.
"And what if I tell you after you know what was between him and I you wouldn't be able to see me the way you do now." I say looking into his eyes.
He stays silent and slowly lets me go.

I walk straight into the bedroom and close the door. Why is Jimin trying to come in my life and ruin it? He doesn't own me and I need to tell him that.


Sitting on the bed I stare out the window watching the sunshine bright outside. Yoongi went to office without telling me goodbye today. He always tells me that he's leaving but today was different. I need to fix this, I pull myself out of the bed and get ready to go see Jimin and tell him that I no longer am his to be treated like that. I freshen up and get dressed and head out of the apartment.

Time Skip

I walk in the office building and start walking to Jimin's cabin. I ignore the guards and walk straight in his cabin without knocking. Jimin looks up at me from his file and smirks putting the file away.

"I must say you grew some serious courage." He says folding his arms on his chest.
"You stop it! I'm telling you stop it!! You don't own me anymore you fucking stop coming in my life and interfering!" I yell at him.
He leans back on his chair and keeps smirking looking at me.
"Come here." He says calmly.
"No! You need to stop this game of yours just stop!" I say calming down.

He stands up and walks to me. I keeps standing there gathering all the courage I have, not backing away.
"Babygirl don't make me shut your mouth. You know very well that I can." He says caressing my cheek.
"Please let me live my life, please don't be like this it's very hurtful when you treat me like I'm nothing. Please just stop." I say holding back my tears.
"You're talking too much these days huh?!" He says in a stern tone.

I look down as my tears trickle down my cheeks.
"Baby let me show you who owns you." He says and pins me to a wall and kisses me hard holding my cheeks.

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