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He pulls away from the kiss. I stare at him breathlessly trying to catch my breathe.
"Stand up." He says and stands up with me.
I stand silently as I watch him take of his suit jacket and roll his sleeves up. He takes off his tie and wraps it around his hand and takes me towards the big pillars of the bed. He ties me to one of them tightly with his tie. I stare ahead as I hear jiggling noises of his belt's buckle.

He presses his chest on by back and wraps his arms around my waist as he starts unbuttoning my jeans. I can feel his warm breathe on my neck as he harshly pulls down the jeans along with my panty. I breathe heavily as I feel him caresses my butt cheeks.
"Ahh!!" I scream out as he harshly squeezes them.
"You slut who did you fuck after I left you in your apartment huh! Who did you let abuse your cunt other than me!" He growls in my ear pulling on my hair hard.
"N—no one!" I choke out as he pulls my hair harder making my scalp burn.

"No one! Then who left this fresh marks on you!" He asks and lets me hair go.
I tighten my grip on the wooden pillar trying my best to stop my tears.
"No one did apart from you." I say crying out loud.
"Lie." He says and hits my right butt cheek with his belt.
"Ahh!" I scream out arching my back.
As much as I hate to say this, but the strike sends a direct rush of pleasure to my core.
"I know you like it when I treat you like a whore." He says and hits the same cheek again making me groan in pain.

He keeps hitting my butt cheeks abusing them until I beg him to stop. He stops after who knows how many strikes. I breathe with difficulty leaning my whole body on the pillar. The pain is so excruciating, and it hurts more as I know there's a satisfactory grin on his face. He comes in front of me after stripping his clothes off and pushes me down on my knees. I look up at him with tears in my eyes, he looks down at me with a playful smirk on his face.

"Open up, and stick out that nasty tongue of yours." He commands and forces his dick in my mouth as I open it.
I try not to gag as he goes further deep down my throat making me bury my nose on his lower abs. I hold onto the tie tightly as I start to suffocate. He pulls out right before I feel like I'm about to pass out.
"Look at you drooling over my dick you nasty bitch." He chuckles as tears run down my eyes and I swallow thickly to get the dry feeling from my throat.

He gives me no time and thrusts in my mouth again and starts fucking my mouth. I move my mouth along with his thrusts and try to lick him as much as possible.
"Oh fuck babygirl your mouth is so hot." He moans biting down his plump lip showing me his front tooth that is a little crooked. I bob my head back and forth fast feeling him twitch in my mouth.
"Oh yeah just like that." He moans throwing his head back holding my head thrusting down my throat. I gag on him and try to pull away but he keeps holding my head and fucks my mouth faster and bursts out his hot juices in my mouth.

I choke on his cum coughing causing it to to spill around my mouth.
"Oh no are you spilling? Gosh you're wasting daddy's cum." He says looking at me as I swallow his cum and lick my mouth to get the spilled cum as much as possible.
"Good girl, but you did waste some and you know daddy doesn't like it right? So, what should daddy do hmm let me think daddy should punish you, right?" He chuckles and walks to the suite's closet where he keeps all the toys.

I keep looking his way as I see him go through the closet. After a while he comes back with a smug look on his face.
"Oh you love these." He says dangling the nipple clamps in front of me.
No! I absolutely hate them, they hurt so bad. And my breasts are already sore and in pain as my periods are due soon.
"No please I can't today." I beg as rips off my hoodie and unhooks my bra making my breasts perk up.

"God they look bigger than the last time." He says and squeezes they hard.
"Ahhh!!" I scream as I feel immense pain causing my eyes to tear up more.
They feel so sore and sensitive, he twists and pinches my nipple as I squirm in pain.
He attaches both the clamps on my nipple making me cry out in pain.
"Please they hurt." I cry out letting my tears fall.
"No mercy babygirl." He says and makes me stand and turns me around.

A hard slap lands on my ass making me bend forward. He grabs my waist and hoists it up making my ass stick up towards him. He spits on my butthole and rubs it around.
"No no no!! UGH—!!! I get cut off as he pushes a vibrator in my ass.
I scream and cry out at the sensation, my whole body feels nothing but pain. He waits no more and lines his cock on my entrance and enters me hard. I scream out as another shock of pleasure goes start to my core.

"Please." I beg as he starts pounding in me.
He squeezes my breasts from behind causing me to squeeze my eyes and throw my head back groaning.
"Yeah scream for me you little cunt!" He groans in my ear.
I feel my high approaching, my whole body starts shaking and sobs of protest comes out of my mouth as I come undone around his cock.

"Did I tell you cum yet babygirl!" He growls pulling my hair making me arch my back.
"No—ugh!" I yelp in pain and the overwhelming pleasure.
He grunts in my ear and bites down my ear shell. Every one of his thrusts starts to hurt more and more. I feel his fingers around my butthole as he pulls out the vibrator out of me. I moan starting to feel light in my head. He pulls out and comes in front of me and unties my hand. I hold onto the pillar for support as my legs give up.

Jimin puts me on his shoulder like a rag doll and walks to the bed and drops me on it. I lay there on my stomach as I feel him wrap his arms around my ass pulling me up getting me on my fours.
"God I love it when your pussy looked so abused." He hisses entering me again making me scream out his name.

"I can't anymore please!" I scream loudly shaking due to the overstimulation.
"Beg!" He groans as I feel his cock twitch inside me.
"Please daddy fill me up with your cum!" I scream moaning trying really hard to clench myself around him.
"Oh y—yeah! You want daddy's cum." He growls.
"Yes daddy please!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I feel his juices burst in me.

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