Hey! You Move! This is a public walk way.

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"Hey sugar what you got to say

It started with a whisperand that was when i kissed her and then she made my lips hurt I can hear the chit-chat take me to your love shack mama's always got a back trackWhen everybody talks back..."

"HEY! Miss you have to move."

"Why?!? This is a public walk way! I can walk here if i want too"

"Yeah, any other time but now. Miss, can you please just move. We have to clear the walk way."

"You HAVE to?!? Oh, why's that? Is some big famous person about to walk this way? huh?"

"Yes, actually five of them, so please move, I won't ask again."

"I don't care who is going to walk through here, this is a public place and you cannot move me from here! Like it or not! So, how about you move out of my way before I call the cops on you for harassment?"

- guy moves out of the way but whispers something into a walkie-

*Finally I can get back to my music*

-Runs into something, someone-

"OMG! I'm sooo sorry I wasn't paying attention...."

"It's okay sweetheart, just maybe look where you are going next time"

Finally looking up from her iPod, "How about YOU watch where you are going!"

"Babe, do you know who we are?"

"Yea, you guys are 5 arrongant guys who apperently think are too "cool" to walk on the walk way with other people. Oh... I'm sorry, where you just scared that one of us might think you guys are fit and throw ourselves at you? hmmm... well welcome to the real world.. girls are not going to do that, at least not anyone with a brain. You're not in Uni anymore. welcome to the real world. And by the way only because you guys have rich mommies and daddies gives you no right to hire security to close down the streets as if you were someone famous or importaint."

-The five lads were all chuckling to them selves-

"You really don't know who we are, do you?"

"Oh... I'm sorry, but no, i have more importaint things to do then spend my time at Uni parties seeing who the new football babe is. So no, i don't know who you are."

"Hmmm.... well lads, how about we introduce ourselves? Well I'm Louis"

"Hey, I'm Liam."

"Vass Happenin? I'm Zayn"

"I'm Niall"

"and of couse if you havent figuered it out I'm Harry"

"Well yay! Now I know all of your names.... so?"

"Well what's your name love" the one named Liam asked.

"I'm Lena"

"Well thats a really pretty name" the one with the irish accent replied.

"Hmm... how about we go to Nandos as an apology to you Lena? It's on us." Louis asked, well more like demanded with a flirty tone.

"Well, I am starving, so sure, why not? I bet mommies account can handle and extra plate."

"Hahaaa... you're funny. So do we really seem that stuck up to you?" the arrogant one named Harry asked.

"Well, honestly they really don't, but you do."

"Ha Harry! Told you the car was getting to you!"

"Very funny Zayn"

"Sooooo.... why did you guys have the street closed down?"

"Hmmm... how about we explain when we get to Nandos?"


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