Harry and Lena's date

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I opened the door and Harry was standing there. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a white V-neck shirt, his usual blazer and black converse.

"Wow!" Was all Harry said.

I started to blush and looked down at the floor.

"You look... Beautiful!"

"Thanks Harry. You don't look bad yourself."

He placed his fingers on my chin and guided it up so that I was looking into his eyes. He's green eyes were amazing. They were big and filled with lust and happiness. They made me want to melt. He was blushing. His cheeks were a deep shade of crimson. His curls fell right above his eyes.

After a while of just staring into each other’s eyes he broke the silence.

"So... Should we go?"

"Yes. Hmm... Where are we going anyways?"

"It's a surprise." He replied with a cheeky smile as he opened up the door for me. When I got in he shut the door and jogged to the other side so he could get in.

I kissed his cheek and off we took. We talked during the ride... Nothing really important, just getting to know each other better. And how different his life is now that he’s famous. He rested his hand on my upper thigh and smiled at me.

"We're here." He said as he gave a soft squeeze to my thigh and a big smile. He got out off the car and opened the door for me before I even had a chance. He offered me his hand and I took it. It was now 4pm.

We walked it to this gigantic movie theater. It was weird though; we were the only ones there.

"Umm... Harry?"

"Yea beautiful?"

"Why are there no people here?"

He didn't respond. Instead he just stopped in his tracks and gently pulled me back to him. Not expecting this I twirled around and stumbled into his chest. Our chests were pressed against one another and my hand was rested in his chest as my other one was in his. I looked up to see his mesmerizing green eyes looking down at me. He was smiling. Gawsh! How much I loved his smile. His dimples were on display and I felt my knees weaken. He warped his free arm around my waist and held me up.

"You're stunning."

I just stood on my tiptoes and planted a kiss like the one he had given me when he walked me home on the first day we met. I could feel his lips curl up into a smile as he now had them pressed against my cheek.

"Lena, you really are something else."

I still didn't respond and instead just pulled away from him and started walking dragging him behind he as we still held hands.

"Hmm... So are you going to tell me what movie we are going to watch?"

"It's a surprise."



I couldn't help but chuckle. He always made me laugh.

He was now walking I front of me and pulled me into a theater. We sat in the middle and the movie started to play. No commercials, no anything.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me as close to him as the seat would allow us to get.

Titanic started playing. I really didn’t want to see this movie; I knew I was going to end up crying. I turned in my chair so that I was facing Harry. His arm dropped from my shoulders as I turned and crossed my legs on the seat. He was now looking at me. I grabbed both of his hands.

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