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I waked down the stairs with Zayn at my left and Liam at my right. I looked straight ahead and that’s when I saw him. I froze in place for a couple of seconds and continued walking. Niall looked stunning. He was wearing a tux and wore his hair like he usually did, just a bit more polished.

We reached the bottom of the stairs and Niall was frozen. Lena elbowed him and he slowly reacted.

“Wow!” he said leaving his mouth hang open.

“Is it bad?”

“No! You look beautiful. I love it. Wow.”

I couldn’t help but giggle and blush. Niall walked over to stand right in front of me and offered me his hand. I kissed Liam and Zayn on the cheek and accepted Niall’s hand. He was blushing so hard. It was adorable. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. We walked towards the door and Niall opened it for me. We stepped outside and saw Harry standing next to this beautiful black fancy car. He was dressed in black dress pants with a white shirt and a black jacket. He had a chauffer hat firmly resting on his curls.

“My lady.” Niall said as he gestured for me to get in the car while Harry was holding the door.

“Thank you.” I couldn’t stop blushing.

The car came to a stop after a 30-minute or so drive. Harry opened the door for me and Niall grabbed my hand.

“You look absolutely amazing.”

“Thanks. You do too.”

He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss.

Niall opened up the door to the building and we walked in. I was stunned. The walls were a red velvet color with the bottom half décor with face wallpaper with the same red velvet and gold mixed into swirls. There was a podium right in the center. He nodded at Niall and lead us in. It was absolutely beautiful. The lights were dimmed except on the center table. There were candles all around and a gigantic glass chandelier placed right above the center table.

Niall pulled the chair out for me and I slowly sat down. I looked around the place one more time trying to take it all in. I would of never imagined coming to such place. Wow.

“So what do you think love?”

“It’s absolutely spectacular. Did you actually rent this entire place out?”

“Yep. Just for the two of us.”

“Wow! I thought this sort of thing only happened in movies.”

“Hahaa… Madi, you’re adorable.”

I started blushing. A man who I presume was the chef came out with plates in his hands. Four other people also caring stuff followed him. One of the guys sat two wine glasses down and started to pour red wine in them. The other guys sat three plates in front each of us. We ate our food and continued our conversation. All the plates were picked up and then they brought out another plate. A chocolate lava cake. They placed it in between Niall and me, my eyes widened since I love chocolate. Niall chuckled as he saw my expression and grabbed one of the spoons and feed me some cake.

 We finished the dessert and just sat there talking.

“So Madi, wanna play that game we were playing the other day?”

“20 questions?”


“Hahaa… okay. That sounds like fun.” I said smiling.

Niall’s POV

Madi looked so nice. The candlelight fell on her face softly accentuating all of her features. Her eyes were greener than anything, I loved the way they changed color. I didn’t realize I had been staring until Madi planted a kiss on my nose.

“Yes, I do want to play.”

I felt so stupid and started to blush.

“You’re blushing! It’s so cute!”

“Hahaa… thanks Madi. You make me blush so much.”

“Well you make me blush, so we’re even.” She said with a gigantic smile on her face.

“Good. Ok… so what’s your favorite color?”

“Umm… well, I have three, green, orange and brown. Hahaa… So have you ever had any pets?”

“Yup, I have a cat and a gold fish. They stay with my mom though.”

“Awww… that’s sweet.”

“Yup. Hahaa… hmm… any fears?”

“I’m scared of knives and I’m claustrophobic.”

“OMG! I’m claustrophobic too!”

“Awww… Yay! Lol. We can go and stand in an open field together.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

“Madi, you’re amazing.”

“Thanks Niall. So are you.”

I leaned over the table and so did Madi and we kissed. A really nice long passionate kiss.

The same guy that greeted us at the door was now walking toward us. “Umm… sorry to interrupt, but your ride is here.”

“Ok. Thank you.”

I grabbed Madi’s hand and helped her up.

“Oh… you should also probably know that I am extremely clumsy.”

I stopped right there and pulled her into my arms.

“Woah! Niall… what are you doing?”


I kissed her nose and looked into her eyes. She was bight red and had the cutest smile ever.

“Madibug, you’re adorable.”

“Hahaa… Niall…”

I interrupted her midsentence and kissed her. I lifted her off the ground and we kissed. She let a little moan out and I smiled without removing my lips from hers. We both pulled apart gasping for air. I set her back on the ground still holding her tight against my chest.

“We should probably go, I don’t want Harry to be mad at us.”

“He can wait.” I said as I leaned down and kissed her again. “Ok. Now we can go.” I said with a huge grin on my face.

We went outside and once again Harry held the door open. Madi rested her head on my chest as he held hands.


“Yea love?”

“I like you, a lot. Please don’t break my heart.”

“Madi! I would never ever do that. I promise.”

“Ok. Thank you.” She said as she shifted to her side still lying on my chest and drifted off.

We arrived at the farm; Harry had decorated with candles and rose pedals all around. I got out of the car and carried Madi bridal style to the center of the field. I laid her down on a blanket and laid down right beside her. I softly kissed her forehead and she woke up.

“Hey sleepy head.”

“Hey…” She said with a sleepy voice and a smile on her face. “Where are we?”

“At the farm… I thought it would be nice to fall asleep gazing at the stars.”

“I like that idea.” Madi moved in closer to me and we laid looking up at the stars.

We both soon drifted of to sleep.

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